Sisters and thinking

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Selena's P.O.V
I couldn't take it anymore I got up and ran in front of before he could hit and took the hit for her they were hard hits but I didn't care I was protecting my best fried than I heard a loud angry growl before I could see who it was I was slam into a wall before the darkness can consume me I heard

"What you care for this good for nothing slut"Robbert said and I let the darkness consume me


I woke up to my head spinning in what felt like a thousand direction I opened my eyes and saw that was cuddled next to a red wolf I would of screams if I didn't know who's wolf it was I knew it was Nina she must of been really mad of she shifted O turned my head and saw Roberts body next to me with blood gushing out of him

good he deserved it

But I also feel bad

I know what your thinking why would I feel bad for a man who abused you for so many years well that easy I am and very find an forgiving person

Than I herd a whimper I looked down and saw it was Nina I started to pet her and she calmed down I let out a sigh as I per Nina I began to think


My Family if that what I could call them they never really cared about me left me out of things and even forgot me at home I used to cry myself to sleep but their was only one person in my family that I knew loved me my sister Brianna she would always protect me I knew she would always be their for me and I miss he so much I wounded If she looking for me I mean it's been six years I dought it but I hope she's happy she was perfect she had long blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes I loved her eyes so much she was tomboy but I loved her still no matter what she was always their when I needed her

I was brought back to reality with the door slamming open and Nina jumped up standing in front of me protectively when I saw who it was I hid behind her like a coward I was

Nina growled at him

"Alright alright no need to go all bitchy on me in just here for the bid ill be back for you later" he said than looked at me with a smirk I felt disgusted wit him and myself for not being able to protect myself but what can I say I'm a little low life human with




This isn't a book this is reality my reality and its Time to wake up form what ever dream I'm dreaming of I was yet again brought back with te door slamming shut I looked at Nina who was still in wolf form and saw that the body was gone I tried getting up off up the floor but when I tried I just fell back down Nina walked over to me and leaned a little so I could hold on to her and I did she helped me to the bed and I took off my long shirt leaving me in my tank top and have it to Nina she shifted and put the shirt on

"Thanks Sel"she said with a smile I smiled back up at her saying a silent 'Your welcome' and we fell asleep cuddled together

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