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AN:I'm sorry to those who read this I didn't realize I forgot to paste the cheaper on stupid me have any of you done this before again I'm sorry plus I will still be posting Wednesday I have the chapter already again I'm 

"I will rip your heart out and shove it down your throat"Damon Salvatore quote 

Song:Often The Weekend 

Selena's P.O.V

Running In this form was amazing the wind felt great ruining through my fur I felt alive

'It really is amazing!!!' I jumped at her voice

'OMG JAS YOU SCARED ME!' All she did was laugh at the back of my mind

But while I was running through the woods I felt my bones break again I screamed at the pain but I didn't come out as a scream it came out as a roar a really really loud roar but that wasn't the point what the hell is galling to me


'Just let go let it take over your body' she said and it didn't hurt as bad anymore but the pain was still their i don't even know how long that lasted I think it was shorter than last time but when it settled I heard a new voice in my head that wasn't Jas

'HIII I'm Eliza your Tiger But call me Liz or Eli it doesn't matter to me'

'Hi I'm Selena but I don't get it how do I have two forms And where is Jasmine'I said worried

'Oh that's right Jazzy didn't tell you Good'

'Tell me what'

'Thats something you have to find out for your self'

'What I still don't get why I have two shifters No one I know has that know I have a tiger and a cheetah' this is so confusing

'You will find out soon'

'What dose that mean Liz'

But she didn't answer me

'Jaz do you know what she meant by that'

'Yes but we can only say so much Sel'

'Oh okay let's keep going we don't need anyone catching us' while I said this Jaz and Liz laughed at me 'Whats what's so funny'

'Nothing' They both said at the same time making me suspicious I just ignored it and kept running to where I don't know

'Jaz Liz where are we actually going'


'Mateeee' they both said at the same time

'Mate???' I asked

'A mate is like your soul mate they are made for you their there to love to to make you happy when your Sad or angry to protect you from and kid of danger and to love you unconditionally no matter who it what you are'


Luke's P.O.V

I was now in the living room calling a pack meeting cause we HAD TO FIND SELANA and nothing can stop me not now not ever when everyone got to the living room I started

"Thank you all for coming I held this meeting because I had found your Luna some of you had met her many of you have not but that's not the issue you all will meet her when we find her she got upset because one of your pack members insulted her lets all keep in mind she is human so if you would like to help find your Luna that would be great I would understand of you can't because you don't want to leave yours mate and children" I said and everyone stated cheering but while we hurt it new herd a very loud painful Howl but that's not the weird part Gage Whimpered like it hurt him to hear it

'Whats wrong Gage'

'Mate Go to mate' He said broken

"Alright everyone I need some warriors and and trackers who will fallow me please I have a strong feeling that wasn't just a normal Howl" I said and a total of twenty people followed me including Nina but yet again Black couldn't come he had to watch the Pack

Nina's P.O.V

A howl broke out and I growled I don't know why but I had a good and bad feeling about this I am so worried about Selena I can't believe we didn't fine her yet its been two days I know not that long but it's still long she's only human after all

'No' Jule said

'What do you mean Jule'

'I don't know but something different that howl wasn't only a howl it was a message I don't know if it good or bad but it was somethin'

By the end of our convocation everyone but Blake were at the door I have blacks a quick kiss and ran out the door with the rest of them and we ran and ran for about three hours till we spotted something not just anything I never seen anything like it before

It's was a...White Tiger but that's not the only weird thing I had a connection to it like the connection I have with Selena you when you love someone so much that you have a very strong bond with that person I went near the Tiger and it jerked up and it's eyes lit up and ran to me and rubbed against me I have no idea why but I was happy Luke came over to and it stopped rubbing against me and it looked at him a couple seconds later Selena was in the tigers place and ran to Luke's wolf and hugged him


"Hi"She said with a smile

What she can talk I ran behind a couple trees and shifted back and ran back over to Selena and hugged her

"I missed you"I said

"I Missed you two"she said

"Your talking"I said happily

"Yes Jas and Liz said i had to because I'm stronger now I don't need to me afraid anymore"she said

"Speaking of stronger how are you a shifter and who are Jazz and Liz " I said

"We'll you see I-"she started but was cut off because Just than Luke came into view in his human form

"Selena Why you ran away? And where were you we've been looking for you we though Marshall took you again"Luke said

"I was but I got away fr-"she cut herself off by growling and she shifted into a cheetah


but other than that we ran after her but she was fast we found her growling at other wolves but these weren't other wolves these were Marshall's Wolves

Luke stood next to her ready to fight

I growled with her just the they shifted

Eww my innocent eyes

Luke growled at them

"We here to deliver a message from Marshall he said he wants you Selena without a fight or their will be a war between Packs and We Will kill your brother and and sister"the man who's name I don't know said Selena Growled and attacked them we obviously helped just than we heard a scream a very loud scream that could break your ear drums and it almost did I turned around to see Selena Smiling


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