Taken Sorrows

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Its Wednesday!!!!!

I can live with bonnie hating me as long as she lives- Daon Salvatore Quote

Song:Laura MaronoBoombox

Selena's P.O.V

As I was running through the Forest I felt week I mean I don't understand why I ran I guess I just felt like that slut was right I'm not good enough to be Luna what ever that is or a mate I don't know I can't even communicate with them I'm mute I plan to stay that way I was to lost in thought I didn't notice the three wolves in front of me

They growled at me and I knew exactly Who wolves these wolves belonged to


I new he wasn't dead my life is just I don't know they circled me till I was trapped

Nina's P.O.V

We were following Selena's sent but we just couldn't come up with anything Luke came up with a little sent though since their mates he lea the way and I watched for rouges and if I smelt Selena Sent anywhere I just hope she's ok than I noticed it a sent that was familiar one that I hates one that Put both Selena's and mine through hell

I smelt Drew,Mark and Jacob I growled but that's not what pissed me off I smelt Selena's sent mixed in

I howled

'SELENA'Jules growled with a little bit of howl mixed in

This wasn't an ordinary howl it was filled with pain,Sorrow and regret after a couple of minutes of howling Luke, Carter, stiles, Lydia, and Ryder all Joined in i than turned and ran back to the pack house with one mission

Getting Selena Back and I swear to god I will get her back no matter what the coast

**Back at the pack house

We ran into the pack house I was angry anyone can tell within miles away these piece of shuts were going to pay for taking my best friend and if they lay a hand on he I'm killing all of them

Damn I sound like her mate

Luke's P.O.V

I was running through the forest searching for my mate Nina couldn't do it because she couldn't smell Selena I couldn't either bit I mean I had a little but of her sent on trail and it led to No mans land

No mans land is where a rouge would live they can't live in pack land or they die or try ask The Alpha and Luna's permission they are ruthless mad would kill anything in sight even humans

Me and Gage(His Wolf) growled at the thought of something bad happening to out little mate

'I will rip them to shreds if they lay a hand on her'

'You don't have to tell me again' I said

Than I heard it the most sorrowful howl I turned around and saw it was Nina and minutes later I realized why she was howling


I growled yet again

I did the only thing I wanted to do right now I howled with her for my mate for my love than second later the rest joined in till Nina ran off into the forest heading back were we came we followed her me going the fastest well not the faster Me and Nina were neck an neck

**Back at the house

We walked into the house angry you new right now no to mess with us we were pist but we has one mission get Selena back and this was one mission that wasn't going to fail



Selena's P.O.V

I woke up on a bed not like The bed I woke up in yesterday no this one was old an rusty

What the hell happen

Then I remembered what happen I was kidnapped again

I sighed

Than the door opened and walked in someone I thought I would never see again someone I thought was dead and fear ran through my body an he knew that


"Miss Me"Marshall said with a smirk

I shook my head his smirk fell and he growled I whimpered in fear he moved over to me and he slapped me

"Wrong Answer Bitch"He growled out and at that point I wished I grew a pair and stayed with Nina

I hope she's happy and Not looking for me but another part of me hope she was and for some odd reason I miss Luke

"Are you listening to me Whore"He growled again and I whimpered again he growled"Wast of fucking life how can someone like his bitch be a fucking Sy-Finn" he mumbled to himself and walked out the room a couple minutes later and a boy that looked my age walked in the room i never seen him before and he didn't look friendly plus he had a smirk on his face which creeped me out

"Hi sweetheart"he said again In a creepy voice and when he moved toward me I back up he didn't like that "what are you doing did I say you can move bring you as back over here or you will regret"He growled at me

What is it and people growling at me

I moved back where I was and he smiled at me again weird

What is wrong with this guy

I was brought back to reality when I felt lips on mine I backed away well no I jumped away into the Conner I backed into

Luck just isn't on my side is it

Yet Again he growled at me but I want going to let him use me like that

I've been used so many times and I'm tired

he grabbed from the Conner I was in

"You will obey me Marshall said I can have you for a couple of hours and I would like to use that time wisely" he said clearly annoyed

Hey dude you not the one about to rapped cut me some slack

He threw me on the bed and not seconds later he was on top off me I was extremely uncomfortable but he continued he took my shirt off with me fighting him of course he started groaning me and I felt discussed with him and myself after he took it to the next level

I bet you can understand he rapped me for an hour and half and I cried I hate that these people have so much power over me

Anger ran through my body in wave all u wanted was revenge and that a lot from a little mute girl but I couldn't control the anger inside me all that all that emotion Bolded up inside if me and I Screamed than I felt pain all over my body my bones being moved I but my lip to stop myself from screaming it went like this for I don't know how long but It hurt like a bitch but when It was finally over I sighed and tried to get off the bed but when I looked down I saw fur I had black and white shepherds all over me and I had no clue what was happening to me

"Hello I'm Jasmine your Cheetah but you can call me Jas"a voice inside my head said 


Hey guys!!! How did you like this chapter 

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I also added the cast in the cast section so if you want to know who is playing who it's their ❤❤❤❤

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