Mates and "Roni"

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Its Wednesday 

"I just have to say it once you just have to hear it I love you elena and its beCause I love that I cant be selfish with you god I wish you didn't have to forget this but you do I don't deserve you but my brother dose"Damon Salvatore Quote 

Song:Chicken Nugget Nick bean 

Picture:Ariel Martin A.K.A Baby Ariel-Secret 

Ryder's P.O.V

Whole I was ridding on Sels back saying random pick up lines well more like screaming them but its was fun until Sel stopped running and snifted the air I snifted it with her and smelt something so beautiful it smelt like Skittles and Starburst 

'Mate'Ralf screamed in my head

I just had to get more of it so I ran to it.. MY MATE.... But Sel took off on the direction of my mate and I took off after her 

'Don't let her hurt mate'Ralf growled

'She would never do that' when I got their I saw something so heartbreaking my mate in Selena's arms shacking with fear but that's not even the crazy part she looked so broken 

"Mate"She growled out if I didn't have great hearing I wouldn't have heard it

But I did and it made me smile than I sifted put a pair of pants on and took my mate from Selena and she snuggled into me which made me smile than second later my friends shows up and shifted than smirked at me knowingly

'Congrats man' the boys said in my head so they wouldn't wake up this beauty

'Yess another girl' the girls screamed

In my head while we were walking to the pack house we heard something we turned around an saw a girl being chased by like seven other rouges she ran behold us all and we growled and the rouges growled right back one went behind a tree to shift I'm guessing and came back with a smirk on his face

"Well well what do we have here"The man said

"I don't know what"I growled

"What are you doing on my land rouge"Luke growled

"Just here to get what'a mine"he said

"And what exactly is yours on my territory"Selena said

She will make one fine Luna

"Those two lovely girls"he said and I growled Selena looked at me and shook her head

"I don't think so they are apart of tips pack and my pack members mate so either you leave or I will make you"she growled out

"I think your going to haw to make me"he said

"Guys get the girls to safety"se commanded and I did as told and ran to the pack house to the pack doctor

Selena's P.O.V

Guys get the girls to safety"I commanded them and They did as told except Luke of course

"No I don't think this a fair fight seven against two"the man said

"No it's not babe hold your ears"I said smirking when his ears were held I screamed and made all them fall to the floor knocked out

"Babe"Luke said I turned to him

"Yeah"I said

"You never told us how your a um shifter"he said nervously

"We'll um I'm kind of a chosen one I can shift into many shifters but obviously I haven't shifted into all of them yet but Noelia says they all will be triggered my some emotion so far I have




And yeah that about it" I said

"Sel what exactly are you"Luke said"and did you say Noelia as in the moon goddess Noelia"

"I'm a Sy-Finn and yes the moon-goddess Noelia"I said

"Wow"he said

"Yup"I said and I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine I was memorize by him

I heard Liz and jazz were purring in my head while Maxi in the other hand was screeching like the banshee she is

I was so buys thinking I didn't notice that He kissed me with so much force and love and I kissed him back with just as much force

When we broke apart we were both gasping for breath I looked up at him and smiled

"Wow"I said

"Yeah"he said before smashing his lip back onto mine once again seconds later I broke apart and fell onto the floor screeching with pain throughout my body it felt like my bones repairing them it felt like my first shift over again

"Sel don't fight it let it take over you it's be over soon"Luke yelled to me and what felt like hours later all the pain was gone

'Heyy I'm Veronica you wolf but you can call me Roni'I said

'Hey Roni' I looked up at Luke and saw him looking at me with adoration

'Mate!'Roni Screamed I laughed her

'Jazz,Liz,Maxi you couldn't give me a heads up'


Sorry hun'

'Sorry I was lost In well you know'

I rolled my eyes

'Yes I know'

I looked up at Luke he said

"Wow your beautiful"he said I shifted back into my human form

"Thanks" I said blushing

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