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Taylor Lautner up Top as Luke.Chapter4
I woke up to Nina screaming at me to get up
"Sel come one let's go hurry get up"she screamed I gave her the what the fuck look
"We're getting attacked we have a chance to escape" she said she didn't have to say it twice I jumped out of bed and looked at her wondering what we should do just as she was about to kick the door opened we crowded back well I did Nina was determined to get us out of here turns out the person who oped the door was.......Marshall Ugh why can't he ever let us go
"Well well what do we have here"he said and Nina growled in reply "Now Nina no need to be bitchy about it I just need that Little thing"he said probably meaning me and just thinking about that brought fear to my body I'm seconds Nina growled at him again "No okay I guess I'm going to have to take her from you" and he tried to grab me but couldn't because Nina wasn't moving and eyeing him like a hawk tailing his pray "Now Nina we can do this the hard or easy want your choice"and she still didn't move from me he tried again and Nina moved me in the opposite direction than him she growled again
"Selena Run"she screamed and when I didn't move she pushed me out the door that's was wide ope and shifted into the beautiful Red wolf that I came to love over the years Marshall chucked
"You really think you can beat me"he said laughing she growled an attacked him and he shifted into the big black wolf I'm terrified of they started fighting looks like Nina is winning well I'm only saying that cause she's on top but he looked like he has a good  he but into her back and wasn't letting go
"NINA"I screamed well it didn't really come out as a scream more like a whisper but it helped because when Marshall looked over hear Nina ripped out his throat and she walked over to me and I peer her fur and she put over telling me to get on her back I did and we ran
From Them
The hate
The beatings
The cruelty
We didn't even look back
When we got outside all I saw was blood and dead bodies all naked it was truly disgusting but that wasn't even it some we half human half wolf like they were in the middle of shifting when they were killed that's sad but they also kinda of deserve it after what they did to us and so many other people I lost count
Luke's P.O.V
I was working in my office tired and annoyed with all this work I've been working in here for five hours long time right well this is hat it feeling like to be an Alpha that has no mate
Well let me introduce myself
My Name is Luke I'm eighteen I'm a Alpha of the SilverMoon Pack I have no Mate I wish I did I see all my pack members with their mate and don't tell anyone I said this or I will kill you I'm jealous but not having a Mate made me stronger no one can hold anything over my head cause I have nothing well except my Little sister Ari (Ariana) she's ten and she's I spoil her after our parents died I didn't know what to do but she kept me grounded if that make scene I don't know
I was brought out of my thoughts and work by a knock on my door "Come in"I said with a sigh
"Hey alpha I was wondering if you wanted to take a little break and have a little fun"Rose said trying to seduce me I mean yes I've slept with her a couple other girls in my pack beachside well a man needed his needs what am I suppose to do
"No rose I'm busy"I said Ana she moved next me and started sucking on my neck
"Are you sure"she said kissing me and I kissed back for some odd reason but my wolf was growling at me to stop in my head but I obviously Didnt and I.didnt want to  I bet you understand what's happen in that Next hour or so

The Alphas Little Mute Mate (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now