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Its wednesday Damn Nicolette back at it again with the update 😂😂

You want a love that consumes you passion Adventure and even a little danger~~Damon Salvatore Quote

Song;Beyonce Sorry 

Selena's P.O.V

"Hello I'm Jasmine your Cheetah but you can call me Jas"a voice inside my head said

'What The hell do you mean cheetah'

"Well When you all shifters turn 18 they shift into whatever they are which in your case a cheetah'

'But I'm not 18 I'm 17'

'No.You turned 18 yesterday' I can't believe I forgot my own birthday wow I really am messed up

'No your not you just need someone to love you'

'Yeah No one would love me..So do you know my situation or'


'So any plans on how to get out of here'

'Maybe One but your going to have to be in human form for this'

'I don't know how to...Um change back''

'Opps sorry ummm just think of you human self hair eyes body feet'

'Ok' I said and did what she said and second later I was back in human form and I still had my close on

'Jas how do I Still have my clothes on'

'Thats the great thing about us cheetah shifters we still have our clothes on when we shift'

'Awesome' smiling like an idiot that is until someone opened the door and came in the devil

Jas growled at him

I jumped


'Its fine'

"We'll look who's awake"Marshall said

I whimpered

'Selena don't cower away fight you can do it'

'No I can't I'm weak jas'

'Believe in yourself Selena your string not weak you been through hell and your still here'

'Thats because I always had Nina to stand besides me know she's not here'

'Yes but know your a cheetah the fastest and strongest Animal there is'

"Hello bitch are you listen to me"He growled at me but I didn't cower this time I growled right back but my growl was held with power this time he backed up

"Ahh I see you got one of your forms what is it Wolf, Fox, Lion, Tiger, Cheetah, Coyote Come on Sel don't be like this"I Growled again

He has no right to call me my nick name after everything he did to me I backed up him up to the floor I growled again before I ran out the door their were men outside the door who turned to me ready to fight one came at me

'Jazz a little help'i screamed in my head and before they could hit me I shifted and ran out the door without being seen by anyone



'Whats wrong'

'It's just I feel-

Luke's P.O.V

AN: This is when he got home before the Rape



Where could they have put her

'Maybe we could ask Nina where she might think he could be' Gage said

'You think she remembers'

'Yeah but theirs only one way to find out go ask her' he said and I walked out my room and walked over to Blake's room beaches that's where she most likely be their when I reached his room I knocked and a not even a minute later they both came to the door

"Hey what's up Luke"Blake

"Hey Blake I just need to talk to Nina for a second

"About?" Nina said

"It's about Selena"I Said

"Come in"She said opening

'I was going to come in anyway I don't  need no invite'

I ignored him and smiled at them and walked onto the room 

The Alphas Little Mute Mate (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now