The Rouge

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Its wednesday!

"What different dose it make? Because in the end, when you lose someone every candle,Every prayer is not going to make up for he face that the one thing you have left is a hole in your heart where that someone you cared about used to be"Damon Salvatore Quote

Song: Ariana Grande Leave me Lonely

Selena's P.O.V

I've been running for a while I'm starting to get tired so are Jazz and Liz so I guess were going to take a nap I ran for a couple more minutes than I stopped at a tree and slept I was really drained


It's was dark I couldn't see anything but Black literary that's all I could see

'Jazz,Liz hello Guys what's going on I'm scared'

I got no replay which scared me even more

"It's ok Selena You don't have to be scared"Someone said I turned

"Who's their"I said I heard a chuckle I turned and saw no one their

"I'm right in front of you Selena"they said I turned and saw this beautiful goddess no one could match her beauty

"Thank you..But we only have so much time I need to tell you this Your not normal I mean your as normal as it gets but your powerful you have all kinds of forms but you have to use them for good not evil you will have people after you and your loved one but you have to fight never give up remember you good and to fight" she said

"Who are you"I asked

"I am Noelia Gomez also known as moon-goddess"she said

"You mean-"

"Yes like the creator of mates and all such" she said cutting me off with the chuckle

"So what do you mean I'm not normal"I said confused

"We'll you have your two shiftier their are going to be many more where that came from but their all triggered by something your find out when you shift"she said like it was nothing

"What am I going to shift into"I said

"You will know when the time comes" she said

"Why is everyone saying that"I said



"Oh and Selena you have to do something for Me"she said cutting me off again

"You have to speak" she said straight forward

"I can't" I said

"Look Selena I know what you've been through was tough but you can get through it talk it's what has to be done"

"what exactly am I"I asked

"You are a Sy-Finn" was the last thing I heard before I woke up

~End of dream~

I opened my eye to see a whole bunch of wolves surrounding me I looked up and saw Nina's Wolf I jumped up and wagged my tail ran to her and rubbed against her

I missed her

I stayed like that for a little while till I smelt him


'Mate!'Jazz screamed

'Mate!'Liz Screamed seconds later

I chuckled at them

The Alphas Little Mute Mate (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now