FastForward And A slight turn

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6 Mounths later
I'm sorry ok? I had a moment of weekness it my thing-Damon salvatore quote
Song:Up down-Tpain ft B.O.B

Selena's P.O.V
"Tell me where he is or I'll kill you without any remorse"I screamed
"Kill me all you want but you won't get your little family back"he said laughing out blood
"You want to talk family where's yours Your wife Mariana and your seven year old twins Sam and Seth"I said laughing his face turned from I'm the boss to I'm a nobody
"what you thought I didn't know about your little family...So back to where we were oo right WHERE THE HELL IS MARSHALL"screaming at the end "Ok okay I'll tell you just please don't hurt my family"he said crying and I smirked
'Where"I growled we were getting fusterrated
"He's by the boarder of paris just please don't hurt my family"he screaming crying
"I won't I keep my word but one slip up and your all dead got it........ good"I said leaving the room
Okay let's me explain what just happed so well for the past five or six mounths I've been fighting off rouges,packs and looking for my  sister and brother but in order to do that I learned that you have take control of the situation and that's what I'm doing
NO ONE AND I MEAN NO ONE HURTS MY FAMILY No matter what they've done to me theirs still family and this is the first lead I got in a while
Oh and lets talk about my Shifters so theirs

Lukes P.O.V
Its been six mounths since I've seen Selena and we all miss her but she said she wanted and I couldn't stop her even if I wanted I should have stopped her
'No duh I told you that you shouldn't have let her go but no let's not listen to the wolf'
'Shut up'I said and he did thankfully
I've been trying to find her but everywhere I look I can't seem to find,her I looked in packs who've seen,her but she always seems to get away

Well obvi she's a si-Finn shes she's strong and Fast'
"I'm not talking to you idoit'
'Well we are the same person so,techanily you are'
'all right Mr.Smart mouth where are you thinking she is'
'She was in england last,we heard maybe we should ask the packs near them like in Paris'
'Not a bad idea Jack will get the pack together and will head out tonight at midnight'
Nina's P.O.V
"Bla-ke Sto-p No, Bla-ke Sto-p It I'm n-ot sa-y-ing it"I said between laughing while blake over here was tickiling me and kissing my neak
"Not till you say Blake is Hot and sexy"he said moving from my neak
'Mmm No keeping making him do that' jule said purring in my head I ignored her
"Nope I said"With a smile on my face
"Alright"he said with a glint in his eyes and kissed me everywhere but my lips which irratated me and jule
"Alright Alright Your Hot and Sexy"I said with a smile "Now kiss me"and he did as I said we were like that till someone knocked on the door we both groaned and got up to open the door we opened the door to see a very annoyed Luke
"What is it Luke"I said clearly annoyed
"I didn't mean to interupt your sex time but were leaving at midnight to paris"he said as I blushed when he said sex
"Yeah I'll be ready"I said
Selena's P.O.V
Running through the woods was a reagular thing for me I sometime howl hoping that luke or Nina someone will hear me but I don't know If they care amymore
'Of course they doin Sel'Jazz said
'They Love you sel' liz said
'i bet their looking for us and they'd find us if you stopped running'Roni said
'You know we have to do this we got well I got Brianna and Justin into this I have to get them out'
'Sel you hear that'Isabella said I listened and heared what she heard wolves lots of them coming our way and not just any wolves Marshalls wolves
I growled loud telling them to stop when they did I shifted so do they but I  walked next to the tree leaned against it and started talking
"You know it took me six mounths to find you and I promised that when I did all hell will break loose do you think I'm going to break that promise I made myself"
"No We new that you were coming and that when you did come you 'were going to let loose'but did you know what I had fun doing tourtiring your lovely family for six mounths" I growled at his words and I felt isabella(Panther) taking over she shifted and attacked the man who hurt her family he wassup dead in seconds beacause she was smarter and stroger
I shifted back and leaned against the same tree
"Who elsw wants to end up like your buddy over here"I said no one steppeed up "Now that's out of the way where is your 'Alpha' I need to have alittle word with him"
"I don't think that is going to happen sweeatchicks"a guy said stepping foward I laughed
"First don't call me sweetchicks its deserbing second I think I am unless every single person here wants to die ill say other wise"I said
"I'm guessing that's what your going to have do because all of us here are loyal to marshall"he said
"Oo really than how did I know you were here in paris"I said with a smirk he just stood their shocked that one of his 'Friends' tatle taled on them"so are we doing this the easy or hard way"
"I'm going with....hard"he said
I sighed and shifted into Eliza(Tiger) and roared and they came at me which was funny cause I killed them in the matter of ten minutes
"Wow Selena what happen to you"someone said I grolwed and turned around and saw Luke,Nina,Ryder his mate,Carter,his mate, stiles, lydia and other warriors

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