Time Will Tell

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AN: Im sorry i havent updated in a while my ipod had broke and all my work was on their but my sister is letting me use her old phone for who knows how long but I have it now and I will try and update whenever I can im sorry
I'm in love with a women I can never have the point Is I'm in love with her and its driving me crazy I'm not in control I have to stay together to protect her and she wants me to be the better man which meas I can't be who I am-Damon salvatore Quote

Song:Geeks by Hailey Knox
Picture-ian somerhalder

Selena's P.O.V
I woke up from my sleep from some kind of movement in my room I looked around the room I didnt see anything
'You guys feel that' they all whimpered in replay which was shocking come from them
'Guys what's wrong'
'I don't know Sel something feels off and I don't know if something good or really bad' Jazz Awnsered
'Lets just go for walk to relax how about that'I said getting out of bed and looking out the window for a second an saw that it looked about 10:00 in the morning than walked out my room because I decieded that I wanted to take this relasionship slow I just hope hes okay with Ig like he said I know Jazz Liz roni and cassie are defiently not okay with it they always scream at me
When I walked down the stairs I was about to walk out the door when someone called me I turned around an saw that It was Blake
"Yeahh what's up blake"I said
"Where you going your not leaving us again are you"he said messing around with me
"No blake I'm going to take a walk"I said
"Oo Do you want me or someone to go with you"he said
Cassie growled'We are not week
Ignored her
"No blake I'm fine"I said walking out the door standing their for a couple minutes taking in the Nature than I started walking deeper and deeper into the forset but I wassup thinking than I laughed
An No I'm not crazy
Its juat funny that I went from being beat,and rapee with no one but Nina Now I have a mate with family
How dose something like that happen in the matter of days its just crazy
than I just let my mind wonder I was walking than I turned my head looking around and saw someone I thought I would never see again
My sister
"Brianna"I said and she turned around wow she didn't look that difftrent she's still very short but her blonde hair did get longer
"Yes that's me but...Who are you"she said I was both angry ans suprised,suprised that she was actually here and angry that she didn't remember me but I mean I kinda understand that she hasn't seen me in over five years but I still understand
"Its me Selena your sister"I said
"How..No you can't be she dies seven years ago! You can't be her!"she said
"No Bri its really me how else would I know that When I wassup ten you went to a chollage party and you got so drunk that you told me your in love with James henson"I said and laughed at the memory and she did to
"Selena is it really you"she said
"Yes"I said and she ran and hugged me
"Where were you all this timebwe were all worried sick we thought you had died we had a funeral for you for god sakes"she said and I felt guilty it was my fault I shouldn't have run into that forsest that day
"Its a long story but I wad kidnapped"I said an as I said this her eyes went wide like she wasn't expecting that "and bri"
"Yes"she said
"Why in the all gods are you in the woods by yourself something could happen to you"I said
"I'm not Justins with me"she said with a smile she turned and her smile vanished"Justin"she screamed than we heard a scream and she ran into the direction of the scream
"Bri wait"I screamed and ran after her well shifted into Jazz and ran after her by following her sent
When I reached her five wolves circled brianna and what Looked like a older version of justin I jumped in the middle in the them and growled at the wolved the whimpered but than growled seconds later the big grey wolf attacked me well that was stupid because he was dead the second he attacked me
Than I howled hoping Luke heard than
Seconds later luke,Ryder,Carter,stiles,blake,Nina,and Lydia, with some other wolves I didn't reconize
I shifted back than turned to my brother and sister
"You guys okay"I said walking closer to them but they backed away from me as if...
If they were scared of me
But why! "Why are you guys backing away fron me as If scared of me"
"Selena what happen to you"Brianna
"Wait..Selena but that was our sisters name..Your Not.No you can't be she's dead"Justin said looking over me he walked closer to me"you have her eyes and her nose is it really you selena"
"Yes Justin its me"I said with a smile he came over to me and huggged me luke obviously growled at that but I just ignorerd him but what justin said next took me by suprised
"I'm sorry"he said
"for what"I said and luke came over to me and rapped his arms around my waste and I smiled"luke this is my twin BROTHER Justin and my older sister brianna"than seconds later said"Luke,Ryder,carter,stiles,blake,lydia and Nina these are my family but theirs a lot where that came from we have a lot of explaining to do"I said
"Yes you do and since when doin,you talk ever since well you know you stopped talking why start now"justin said
"I'm stonger now..but anyway who do you want to ride me or luke"I said changing the subject
"Ill ride you and brianna can,ride your boyfriend"he said and I blushed and shifted into cassie and bent down alittle so Justin could get on when he did I took off running
"Aahh"he screamed I laughed than he started screaming again but for a whole diffrent reason he was happy when we got to the pack house and he had a frown on his face and I broke out into a serious of laughs
When The others got here I stopped
"You cheated again"carter said whineing
"Shut up nut"Nina said
"Wow you guys live here"Justin,and Brianna said in a union
"Yeahh that's what I said so lets talk come on"I said walking into the house
Its time to tell my story

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