The Silver Moon Pack

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Somewhere Along the way you decided I was worth saving I wanted to thank you for that 

~Damon Salvatore Quote

Dylan O'Brian up top as Stiles



Selena's P.O.V 


That's what we were doing for the past I don't even know how long all I know I we have to stop soon cause I'm tired, Hungry and sore and that's when it happened I fell of Nina and blacked out on the floor


Nina's P.O.V

Im tired and hungry and I want to stop but Jule won't let me she says to keep going great things lye ahead what ever that means but instead of relaxin for a couple of minutes or sleeping for a little I kept running I don't know why but I felt like I needed to plus my wolf

I was broken out of my thoughts by a thump I turned my head and saw that that loud thump was my best friend Selena falling on the floor unconscious

(Bold is Jule (Ninas wolf) and Nina(Selena BWF)(BEST WEREWOLF FRIEND)is in italics

'Look what you done Jule'

'Me how I do that' she growled at me

'Ugh shut up and tell me what to do cause I have no clue'

'Go over their and move her a little' she said and I did but she didn't wake up

Come on Sel wake up

I was so focused on Sel I didn't see three wolves come behind me but when I did I tired around and growled out them they growled right back at me they tried coming closer to me but I growled backing up an standing over Sel cause she's a human an they ran into the woods

'Yeah they better run from me' laughing in my head

'Really Nina' Jule said


As I was taking to my wolf three men came back out of the woods and yet again I growled

Bitches don't understand

"Shift"One out of the three boys said through his tome i could tell her was the third in command he was kinda cute I would totally hit that

I laughed at my stupidness

Jule growled 'he's not out mate'

'Yeah Yeah'i said back

"Shift" he commanded

Oh he'll no this asshole did not just command me I growled

"Did he just resist the commanded"The boy said suprised I mean what can I say I am an alphas Daughter 

Oh did I Forget to mention that 

"Duhh Ryder" A boy he said looking at the one who just spoke the stupidness who I'm guess his name is Ryder "I'm Carter im the head warrior in my pack this dumbass is Ryder he is also a warrior and the other dumbass is Stiles he is the third in command he was with his mate so he's a little cranky for leaving her can you do me a favor and shift"Carter said And I had the chance to look them over stiles had back hair and black eyes and was about 5'2 but Ryder had black hair and brown eys and was about 5'5 nodded my head and shifted in front of them forgetting that when I shifted I don't have clothes anymore

"Um...Do you have another shirt I can ware" I said covering my self and Ryder took off his shirt and gave it to me"thanks"I turned around and picked up Sel and my eyes started to waster

"Is everything ok"Stiles asked me

"Yup alright over here I didn't mean to come into your territory I'd be going now bye" I said waking down the path

"I'm sorry but you can't do that"Carter said

"And why is that" I said getting angry I have to get Sel cleaned up and their holding me up

"We have to take you to see out alpha"Ryder said

"Nope you Gus can go my yourself cause I'm not going anywhere near an alpha for a very long time"I said walking away again but they grabbed me and started to drag me

Oh he'll no

"WHO THE FUCK DO YO THINK YOU ARE TOUCHING ME"I screamed and added a little growl at them and they stop holding or grabbing me

"Sorry but can you plead come with us so we don't get into trouble"Carter said

"Fineeee but can you please hold her" I said"but If you try anything with her or even hurt her I will rip you apart"

"Okayyy" he said and I gave him to her mad we started to walk

"So what pack is this of you don't mind me asking" I said

"We're the Silver Moon Pack" Stiles said

"You mean like the strongest pack in the world The Silver Moon Pack" I said

"Yup dude we awesome"stiles said laughing well sang I laughed at him and I hear crying and I new who's cries they were


I ran to her

"It ok Sel it's ok we're fine I'm right here"I said standing her up as she nodded her head she looked up at me with her eyebrow raised "what" I said

She did it again and pontes at Carter, Stiles and Ryder

"Ohh were in the Silver Moon pack were going to see the alpha well I am your not and this is Carter,Stiles and Ryder"I said she made the O shape with her mouth I laughed

"Um not to be rude or anything but both of you have to see the alpha"Ryder said seriously

"I'll be right back ok"I said to Sel than turned to the boys" boys can I talk to you for a second" they nodded and I walked over to them so Sel couldn't hear me "Um guys Shes Human"

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