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"The good ones go if you wait to long"-Drake
AN:okay guys before I start this chapter in going to rant about that picture above
Selena's P.O.V
"Juliana you better stop picking on your sister" I yelled at my seven year old daughter while cradling my five year old Ana in my arms,while she cried nonstop.
"Luke can you please go talk to Julie she'll listen to you more than me please"I asked while looking over at my husband,yes husband we got married two years after we had Julie.
"Alright just for you babe." He said as he got up from his desk and came close to me, we shared a quick kiss before he walked to Juliana's room.
"Oh Ana, what should we do with them." I chuckled a little. Juliana had surely gotten Luke's traits, they've got the same fake structure and they are always alive and very stubborn sometimes, while Ana is more like myself shy and quiet.
"I don't know mommy." She looked at me, as I laughed Nina came in with her twelve year old daughter Ashley who looked that was grossed in her IPhone texting someone.
"Hey Nina,Ash,Lydia,Allison,Secret No, No come in its no problem." Sarcasm dripped from my mouth.
"Ohh thanks." Secret said while laughing.
"So where do you want to go?" Nina asked.
"Mommy." Ana called out to me in a quiet whisper, pulling on my pants.
"What is it baby?" I asked as I lowered myself to her lever.
"Can we go to the park?" She finally asked after a few moments, I felt myself smile because of her cuteness I honestly don't know anyone could not love her to bits
"Sure baby why not?"
"Of course lets just go get your sister and let your farther know"
I picked up Ana we walked out the room to the living room where I know the boys would be (Ryder,Blake,Stiles and Carter) we walked into the living room and saw
Zach-Carters Son he's 10
Nick-Ryder's son he 9
Edwin-Stiles Son 11
Geo-Stiles Son Edwin's Twin
All playing
"You guys want to go to the park" They all look over at me and yelled and ran over to us we all laughed and Secret,Lydia and Alison Picked up their sons
"Be careful"The boys yelled
We laughed at our protective mates and headed to the park we walked because it wasn't far at al and along the way the boys and girls hung out whole we all talked about everything and she I say everything I mean everything haha when we reached the park the kids ran off to play which was cute their wasn't a lot of kids here baby seven or eight more kids including ours I was watching the kids while Nina and the others talked I had am unsettling feeling that something in my stomach
"Girls You feel that"
They whimpered
Uh-oh I smelt it
"Girls Grab the kids and go"I yelled and shifted and grabbed Ana Who was closest to me and put her in Nina's arms the boys ran to theirs mothers
'Luke get here Now' I growled I could handle it but I worry about the kids I heard Julianna Screamed my head snapped in her direction a Rouge backing her into a comer I growled ran jumped and hovered over Julie while Growling he backed up a little but not to much I shifted picked up Juliana
"Close your ears Baby Girl"she did as she was told and I screamed putting all six wolves down I looked around Luke came running in our direction
'Is everything okay' He said
I nodded and put Juliana on his Back
"Go home I'm going to run a check"I told him giving Julie a kiss and shifting into Bella (Panther) and ran a run around the boarder and in seconds I was circled by wolves I growled and attacked one of them who was dead in seconds I growled again when I smelled her I jumped over the wolves they chased me but as always I was faster when I saw her she was was leaning against tree

"Can we go to the park?" She finally asked after a few moments, I felt myself smile because of her cuteness I honestly don't know anyone could not love her to bits "Sure baby why not?""Of course lets just go get your sister and let your farther kn...

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Maria ^
Why dose everyone do that
I growled and shifted
"get off my territory"
"I don't know Sel I like it here I might stay a little longer" she said smirking
"No one wants you here and that's yours fault you did this" I was screaming at her now than feeling the wolves eyeing my back ready to pounce at any giving moment" call them off Maria" she did as I said
"Is that the way you treat your cousin"she said pouting
"Quit pouting its not cute on you and LEAVE MY TERRITORY"
The girls were growling and were begging to come out at this point
"Do I need to remind you what happen that last time you screamed at me" she said with a glare in her eyes
"I dare you" I hissed at her
Shouldn't have done that I was on the floor holding my head in seconds I growled and stood "you know I hate when you do that"
"That's exactly why i do that..and now if you excuse me I need to catch us up a Alphas "She winked at me and continued"OO and those Bratty kids"she rolled her eyes I growled very loud it held power and anger I pushed her against the tree and whispered
"I'm trying to be patient with you but if you say one more thing about my Husband or my kids again I'm going to rip your heart out and shove it down your throat got it" I yelled waiting till she acknowledged my command when she didn't I growled out "got it" anger coming off me in waves she nodded frantically I let her go but not without pushing onto the floor that was when her wolves attacked me
And that's when I let them free
And saying they were angry was an understatement right now they were pissed we attacked a the wolves and they were all down in minutes but their was one small problem when I looked around Maria was Gone I growled and raced to the pack house where my family was
When I reached the house the door was broken down and I ran into the house where I heard the screaming from my room I shifted and ran into the room and saw the most disgusting thing ever but it did puss me off even more
Maria was on my husband he was trying to push her off so I did it for him and growled loudly shifted into Jazz and attacked her in seconds her throat out (Sorry Maria) I growled
Bitch pissed me off family or not
I shifted again and walked next to Luke
"You okay" he nodded with a disgusted look on his face
"I'm sorry" he looked at me shocked"that you had to se that"
"No No babe I wasn't disgusted by you I was by here come on let's get her out of her before the kids get back"he said I smiled
"Where are they"
"They went with everyone else to get ice cream while I waited for you to come home"he said I smiled and kissed him again
"I love you"he said when we parted
"I love you to Alpha"I said kissing him again

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