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As you can tell by the title, y'all already know what this book is going to be about.

((Originality as its finest))

With the smut I'll write, all will be bottom!frank (and extremely kinky), I'm literally not sorry at all.

But I'm begging you, don't be an asshat and comment, "But gee bottoms!!1!!!1!" or "#franktops2k16 / #gerardbottoms2k16" or anything along those lines, because,
1. Its unnecessary and unwanted
2. I'm the author, I can write whatever the hell I want
3. Its u n n e c e s s a r y
4. A n d
5. U n w a n t e d

But if you still do so, I just want to say, I honestly feel sorry for you.

I will also take requests !!!!!


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