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It was a known fact in the Marin household that any Tuesday nights, I would claim the television in the living room to binge watch my favourite television shows.

Currently, I rested on the floor, a pillow resting underneath my chin, my legs bent in the air. The huge platinum television rested above me, like a holy grail, and I saw below it, as if worshipping the divine body of Tyler Hoechlin in Teen Wolf.

I heard the doorbell ring in the distance but I didn't let my eyes move from the screen, glued to the dramatic events with Stiles Stilinski as the nogitsune.

"Grace," my head spun around from the television, ready to snap at Hana for interrupting but my mouth stopped working as I noticed Jason standing in the doorway.

A smile broke across my features and I stood up, running towards Jason to hug him.

A puff of air escaped his lips as I squeezed him tightly.

"Someone's in a good mood tonight," he teased me, chuckling as he held me close.

I nodded shyly, turning to Hana to glare. She took my not-so-subtle hint and left the room, giving me a moment to leave a quick kiss upon Jason's mouth.

"Yes," I mummered, pulling away from his face for a moment to study him. "I'm very happy."

Jason's arm quickly moved around my waist, pulling me tightly against his tall frame. I held my breath in anticipation as Jason's eyes focused on my parted lips.

"I'm glad you're happy," he whispered. "If you're happy, I'm happy— even if you're a little drunk." My eyes widened at his observations and I huffed as his gaze landed on the half empty bottle of Merlot on the coffee table.

A small smile graced my lip but I dismissed it as soon as Jason leaned down to press his lips against mine. I giggled into the kiss as his other hand cupped my cheek.

"Don't ruin the moment," he whispered in a joking manner before diving in for another kiss.

And I didn't want to.

"I need to know, Grace." Jason began, pulling me down on the couch and onto his lap. "What have you been doing for the past four years?"

I sighed, "rehab." I squinted my eyes shut as I waited for a response from him.

Jason sighed, pulling me to face him. "What happened? Why did you have to go to rehab? You weren't as fucked up as I was." He was understanding, just as I expected of him, as he himself had been in rehab.

"Because Jason, because of the Melissa and Darren thing—"

"I thought we got over that?" Jason asked me sharply. In our senior year of high school I told Jason that I cheated on him, so in turn he slept with Melissa.

"I-I didn't tell you the whole truth about that, Jason."

"I-I told you that we had sex, but really it wasn't anything like that." A tear escaped from my eyes and I quickly pushed it away to stare at Jason with watery eyes. "He made me lie to you, you know how his dad is an attorney— almost as powerful than Melissa's mom."

"So he raped you." Jason said shortly, his grip on my hands tightening.

"Yes," I whispered out. I finally told the truth. After four years, I never spoke of it... In fear of being judged, of being ruined again by Darren.

"I could kill him," Jason spat out, pushing away from me to stand up and pace the room.

"Jason," I sniffled and he immediately stopped his movements to look at me. "It's over, please, just let it go. Help me forget it ever happened."

Jason sighed angering before sitting down beside me to pull me into a tight hug. "I will for your sake, but if I see him again, I will punch him in the face."

I laughed softly, "thank you."

Jason pressed a kiss to my forehead gently before leaning back on the couch.

"So, what are we watching tonight?"

Hours passed and it was one in the morning. Around midnight, both my mom and Hanna said goodnight to the two of us and now, Jason was preparing to leave as well. Both of us were standing in the doorway of the living room in the dim lights, staring at each other as we were pressed up against one another. 

"You know what I miss?" Jason asked me, his forehead pressed against mine.


"You wearing the ring I gave you," Jason admitted.

I pulled away from him and for a moment a look of hurt passed through his features before confusion settled.

I simply smiled at him before grabbing the neckline of my shirt to expose the necklace I was wear. On the strand of metal sat his engagement ring.

"I never took it off," I told him shyly. "Even if I left you I always had you in my heart. I always knew I wanted to marry you, Jason. Even if we kept it a secret from our families."

He pulled me into a tight hug and I smiled as a light kiss was pressed to my temple.

"I promise you, one day we will."

Hell to the Liars [PRETTY LITTLE LIARS]Where stories live. Discover now