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     JASON HAD WANTED TO GO ON A RIDE, that night and Grace joined alongside him. The two of them had been at his house watching tv when he suddenly decided it was time for a change of scenery.

"Jason," Grace sighed, reaching over the console to grasp at his fidgeting hand. Her warm hand enveloped his cold one and he sighed, turning to his fiancé. "What's wrong?"

"We're just making a quick stop, don't worry." He lifted her hand to his lips, pressing a kiss gently to it as he rounded another corner into a neighborhood. Grace's hair was messed up but nonetheless she was happy to be with Jason again– until she noticed where they were slowing down near. Jason pulled out his phone, texting someone quickly before putting his phone away. 

"Hey, what's up?" Aria Montgomery asked shyly as she approached the vehicle, noticing Hanna's older sister lounging in the car beside Jason.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" Jason sighed, looking at the young girl outside the car. "Look. I said some things after the funeral that I probably should have kept to myself."

"I thought that you felt better knowing that Ian had–" Aria asked hesitantly, looking towards the blonde girl who was looking bored at her phone. 

"Well, so did I, but I don't want people getting the wrong idea, you know?"

"I won't say a word. And plus, the way you handled things with my brother I kind of owe you one, heh. I have to get back. We're, uh folding programs for the fashion show."

Grace Marin turned from her phone, eyebrows raised. "Good, I'm in charge of the show with Jessica, don't mess anything up."

"Ah. My mom gets in tomorrow. One final speech before she steps down from the board." Jason commented lightly, squeezing Grace's hand within his own, sometimes the bitchy side of Grace needed taming. 

"I thought Jessica DiLaurentis was the board." Aria asked, wondering why the sudden change from Mrs. DiLaurentis. 

"She only joined because of my sister. Ali lived for that fashion show." Sentimentality dripped from his voice and both Grace and Aria felt the shift in mood.

"I should go." Aria said softly, pushing away from the convertible. "Bye, Grace." Aria called out as Jason revved the engine and put the car in reverse. All the dark haired girl saw was the blonde girl waving as the two disappeared into the night.

º   º   º

"Oh, they've made some nice changes to the menu, haven't they? Hanna, what are you gonna order?"

"Ahem, um Chinese chicken salad." Hanna told her with a smile.

"Alison's favorite."

"You must be really happy that Jason's moved back." Spencer brought up, trying to change the subject.

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