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     JASON AND HIS MOTHER WALKED INTO THE ROOM, diverting Grace's attention from the high school girls beside her. Honestly Grace was glad she wasn't in high school anymore. The drama alone killed her the first time around and she didn't want to participate with these teens.

"Ready?" Grace asked the two and the older blonde gave a stiff nod and continued to walk to the entrance to the stage. Jason paused beside her, his gaze landing on Aria before he grabbed his fiancee's hand and dragged her with him. Grace wasn't alarmed or upset over his action, knowing he just wanted to get away from the young girl before he got angry.

She just hoped that Mona wouldn't screw up the fashion show. Earlier, Grace Marin had corrected anything that was wrong and Jason believed she should enjoy the evening with him, rather than stress. She agreed, knowing if she worked with Mona any longer she would strangle the young brunette.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats. The Eighth Annual Rosewood High Charity Fashion Show is about to begin." The announcer spoke through the speakers, interrupting the music.

Applause broke out within the audience and Grace felt her heart beating fast from nerves. Tonight better go well.

"Each year, local leaders mentor Rosewood High students as they choose a charity and plan their very own fundraising fashion show benefit. And each year, the city of Rosewood turns out to support our youth as they give of their time, energy and enthusiasm." The man recited to the audience. Grace noticed that Jason still held onto her hand as the time for their entrance came up. "— sharing her lessons in generosity with the students of Rosewood High. Please, give a warm welcome to Mrs. Jessica DiLaurentis."

The lights surrounding them were blinding but Grace kept her hand intertwined with Jason's as he led the way.

"Thank you so much," Jessica had taken the microphone from the commentator. "The past few months have been difficult and the support of this community has been astounding. Especially from my son, Jason, and his fiancée, Grace Marin." Applause broke out from the audience and Grace winced, glancing backstage to see her sister staring at her in shock.

A tug on her hand brought her out of her staring. Jason led her off the stage after his mothers speech and the two eventually made it to their seats and sat down.

"I didn't tell Hanna." Grace breathed out, looking blankly at the empty stage as the lights dimmed and music was starting up. Her heart was hammering in her chest as she looked ahead, her hands shaking.

"Tell her what?" Jason asked, leaning into her so he could hear her better. His hand had unclasped from hers to rest on her thigh.

"I didn't tell her about us."

• • •

     MEN ALL AROUND GRACE HOLLERED AS HER SISTER AND FRIENDS walked the runway one at a time to the rhythm of the music.

"There you go, Spence! Nice, baby!"

"We love you, Aria!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Rosewood High Student Committee would like to take a moment to pay tribute to one of their own Alison DiLaurentis."

That was the queue for the slideshow to begin.

However, music interrupted the slideshow and Alison's picture was animated to look like it was burning.

"Listen up, everybody because the bitch is back!"

Grace gasped at the loud music, shocked as the screen of Alison was suddenly altered.

"What is going on?" Grace breathed out to Jason whose grip on her hand tightened in anger.

"Once upon a time there was a harlot Who had taken all she could Just one wrong look from a stranger Finally pushed her straight over the edge—"

"Turn it off." There was a commotion nearby at the sound booth where Spencer was struggling to end the horrifying slideshow.

"I can't."

It finally ended and the room began to whisper from shock.

"Oh, my gosh."

"Who would do that?"

• • •

JESSICA, GRACE, AND JASON LEFT THE ROOM IMMEDIATELY, not wanting to be in the spotlight. Jason let his mother into her car, watching as it sped away down the street, leaving the couple behind.

"We should've gone with her," Grace commented lightly.

Jason shook his head, "No, Grace. We have to find the person who was  responsible for this." Grace sighed, following her fiancé back into the building, avoiding any lingering guests who watched them re enter. The room they entered contained Aria and Noel Kahn, and Jason and Grace paused wondering why they were together.

"Did you want this back? I'd hate to leave something lying around that could get you and your friends in trouble." Noel taunted Aria, holding the disk that held the awful slideshow.

"I assumed that was yours." Aria spat out but Jason and Grace stepped into the room, noticing the tension between the two teens.

"What's that?" Jason intervened.

"The unplanned finale."

"Hand it over." Jason said through gritted teeth.  Grace stayed quiet as Noel left quickly, turning her attention to the young girl before her.

"Pretty sure your mom doesn't want these back."

"How many times do we have to put her away? It's like burying Alison all over again. And every time we start to make peace with it someone has to go and say something ugly about her death, about her life. When are people gonna move on to gawk at the next tragedy?

"Well, if I was a stranger, I'd be fascinated with the dark details." Aria added and Grace wanted to roll her eyes at Aria's attempt of conversation.

"That's us. Her brother, her friends." Jason frowned, running a hand through his blond hair. "We're the dark details."

"Why come back? Why live in that house all by yourself?" Aria inquired.

"Wanted to try and put the pieces together. I was looking for something." Jason replied vaguely, turning to Grace.

"You still don't know who wrote that note. What if it has to do with what happened that night?" Aria asked and Grace was ready to leave.

"I have my answer." Jason told her.

"—But Ian. I mean, what if he didn't-?"

"There are no ifs. Ian confessed. Look, from now on, I need to figure out how to be happy and I'd like to do that here. Um Can I drop you somewhere?" Jason started off blunt to the young girl but pitied her, offering her a ride.

"Yeah. Yeah, I could use a ride home."

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s/o to deadstarks for reigniting my desire to write this story!

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