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I didn't expect to wake up with a headache nor did I expect to find Jason in bed with me, snoring lightly.

I curled up against his bare chest, letting my head sit underneath his chin. I remembered most of last night: me watching Teen Wolf, Jason coming over, and how I told him about Darren.

I felt relieved

I know I couldn't ever mention it in case of public humiliation and wasting money suing his sorry ass, but now a weight had lifted from my shoulders. I realised that letting Jason in and letting him know my secrets was my best decision, and he agreed.

A few moments had passed and Jason groaned and I smiled, hugging his body to mine.

"Well, good morning." Jason mumbled, peaking down at me with one eye opened.

I giggled, leaning up to kiss him lightly. "Good morning to you."

"This is a great way to wake up in the morning," he teased me and I giggled.

"What are you doing today?" I asked softly, kissing his bare shoulder as I gazed up at him. He was gorgeous and I was lucky to have met him. Knowing him for my whole life made me lucky to fall in love with him. If I didn't know him, I wouldn't ever be as happy as I was with him.

He stared down at me, pushing hair out of my face and leaned down to press a hard kiss to my lips. I smiled into the kiss, letting him take the lead. I moaned into the kiss as Jason positioned himself above me, him body pressed against mine completely. My mouth was freed as Jason trailed hot kisses down the expanse of my neck, leaving me panting and needing more. I arched into him, letting my head fall back into the mattress as my hips pressed up against him. I was slightly disappointed to know we both had our underwear on, and I quickly sat up to take off my tank top to release me from its confines. 

"Now, I'm awake."

Jason smirked at me and I winked, flipping us over so I sat on top of him. I flipped my hair onto one side of my neck and leaned down to begin trailing kisses across his chest. His eyes shut tightly, his hands grasping my hips harshly. I was relishing in the fact I would have bruises that would soon show.

"Oh my God!"

I spun my head around quickly, a look of horror on my face as Hana stood in the doorway, her face pale.

"OH MY GOD???" I yelled back at Hana. I grabbed onto the sheets tightly, holding them to cover up our nakedness. "GET OUT HANA!"

The door slammed shut and I heard Hana laughing as she left. "Don't forget a condom!"

I growled, dropping the blanket back down and pouted at Jason. He smirked at me devilishly and I rolled my eyes before laying down on top of him, our lust slowly diminishing... For now.

"That's not fair," I whimpered.

"That's what happens when you stay at your parents house," he teased.

"I have to participate in the fashion show today." Jason eventually told me as we lied in bed for a few more minutes.

"Yeah," I whispered. "My moms got me helping out."

"Good, I'll need you there."

Jason sat up, pulling me with him until I was straddling him. My eyes narrowed on his lips and my breathing got heavy.

I leaned down and kissed him, wishing for more.

He pulled away with a smirk and I pouted as he pushed me off of his chest. Jason leaned down, letting his soft lips ghost over my own and I sighed as he entrapped me in a tight hug.

"Go get ready for the day, I'll go make pancakes."

"Where's your laptop?" Jason asked, plopping down onto the kitchen counter. I pointed to the other side of the table and he grabbed it, pulling it towards him. He went to work immediately and I smiled softly as he entered my password: the date he proposed to me. A plate of pancakes sat between him and my empty spot beside him as I readied the coffee machine.

"I think I'm going to tell my mom about us." I told Jason as I brewed the coffee. I grabbed two cups and sat them next to Jason. Jason's eyes were wide, smiling just as big. I leaned over and kissed him lightly and watched as he scrolled through Facebook to find more pictures of Alison. Jason was in charge of the fashion show, now with my help.

"About time," he teased me and I kissed his shoulder before settling down on my kitchen stool to eat breakfast.

"Tell me what?"

Hell to the Liars [PRETTY LITTLE LIARS]Where stories live. Discover now