Chapter 12

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Tini's POV

I walked into my office and saw Selena's profile.

Selena Sun, abused and raped in a young age. She has blue eyes and brown hair. Her birthday is 4 April. I stopped. Selena had birthday today, the day I send her back. Was I selfish? Yes, I was the twins and Jorge was right. But if I returned to the orphanage, she probably wouldn't come back after I let her down. Maybe I could send her a birthday present.

Selena's POV

What a birthday, right? Dumped by my family, left behind in this hell hole. My other birthdays hasn't been so much better either when I was with my biological family. When I walked down for dinner I saw 3 other girls that looked around my age. They all looked down not happy being here. I sit down beside one with red colored hair and glasses.

"Hey" She said. "I am Roxy, Who are you?"

"I am Selena."

"Nice to meet you. Did you come today?" I nod. We eat till the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it" another girl with blond and pink hair said. She came back with a big box with a letter.

"Its to Selena" she reads.

"Good Fausta give it to Selena." Ms Stone says.

"Can I go to my room?" I ask

"Just go Selena." Up in my room I open the letter.

Dear Selena, I am sorry for forgetting your birthday and giving you back. Now I am going to tell the truth. My manager said I had to adopt you to get more publicity, and had to return you after a month. I never agreed to it. To be honest, adopting a child never made me happy. After time I started to care and love you. When Christopher said I had to give you back I said no. He said that I had to chose between you and my career. I was selfish and chose myself. When I had realized that I wanted to drive back and get you. One thought came in my mind when I thought about it. You would never forgive me. Please enjoy my present and if you forgive me find a way to say it and if you don't I understand. Tini Stoessel <3. When I was about to open it. knock knock.

"Come in!" I yell. The Fausta and Roxy came in.

"Hey" I said.

"Hey, Selena. This is Fausta" Roxy introduces.

"Where is the other girl?" I ask

"You mean Jessica? She just got adopted. We are the leftovers from all the kids that was here before." Fausta says.

"But don't worry" Roxy says. "One with such beaut and grace as you will be adopted long before such freaks as us."

"You guys are not freaks" I say. "Just showing who you are. Out there it must be someone that will adopt you."

"Thanks" They say and we hug.

"Whats in the box?" Fausta asks.

"A present from my last parent." We open it: a picture with Jorge, Jonathan, Becca and Tini. The nicest necklace I have ever seen. An iPod with songs Jonathan had played in. I loved to hear him sing. Last a wallet with 500 bucks.

"The one that adopted you must have liked since she sent you a present after she sent you here."

"Yeah, she was really nice." We talk and laugh till sleep overwhelmed us.

Tini's POV.

Lying in my bed with Jorge trying to sleep. Thinking about Selena.

"Why are you still awake?" Jorge asks.

"I can't stop thinking about Selena."

"I know, she was unique. But we can get new one right now." We starts to make out, then clothes got off and.........................................

Adopted by Martina StoesselWhere stories live. Discover now