fifty one

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i love ariana but damn people are vicious

avery: your pictures with abel are everywhere

avery: especially the one with all three of you

avery: squad goals


chuckling, i text her back before turning over to see justin softly snoring. after we had sex last night in his car, we had another quiet round in the shower which tired is out. now, im up, combing out my hair since justin's careless as got it wet last night.

"im sorry!" i heard his deep voice grumble from the bed, me just rolling my eyes. "i love you."

"fuck you." i chuckle, knowing i meant i love you too.

"you want me to help you?"

"help me what?" i question, grabbing my brush.

"do your hair." now he had stood up, walking toward me with only boxers on. "come in the bathroom, the mirrors bigger."

sighing, i grab my things from my suitcase that i needed and made my way into the bathroom where justin was peeing with the door wide open. "we're not at home, you have a little sister here."

"she's probably sleeping or downstairs. what time is it?"

i shrug, since my phones in the room. he shrugs too, walking up behind me and smirking in the mirror. "i wonder how you'd look with an afro."

"fucking with you i might just get weave." i roll my eyes.

"i said i'm sorry." he wraps his arms around me, making me laugh. he kisses my cheek, then my neck.

"stop it, the door's open."

"fine." he lifts his head from kissing on my neck. "what can i help you with?"

"not getting my hair wet anymore."

"okay." he chuckles. "it was an accident. im sorry, for the millionth time."

"put this is my hair, i don't want oil on my hands." i smirk, handing him the bottle. he rolls his eyes, and does as told. he's watched me do this before so i'm pretty sure he knows what he's doing. "if i had my phone, i'd take a picture of you right now."

"i already did." i heard someone's voice which happened to be pattie's. "how did last night go?"

"it was fun." i smile, considering i knew justin wasn't going to answer her. "i like canada so far. not going to lie, i'd probably move here."

she chuckles, then looked at justin who kept his mouth shut and continued to lather my hair in the oil. i saw her little pout when she walked away. hitting his thigh, i turn around to see his eyes widen at me. "that was so close to my di-"

"i don't care." i hit his chest. "your mom was talking to you, not me."

"i don't care." he says. "i'll talk to her when she stops worrying about my relationships."

"justin, be lucky you have parents that care for you. they're looking out for you, it doesn't matter if they're babying you or not. you're going to be their baby, forever." i say, chuckling. he practically is a big baby.

when he pouts, i knew he knew he was wrong for treating his mother the way he did. "okay, i'll talk to her later."

just on the topic of parents made me sad because i still haven't talked to my mom or dad in years. or my brothers. "what's wrong?" justin asks, continuing to play in my hair. "why do you look sad?"

shaking my head, i just hand him the other bottle that was a protectant for my hair. also a heat protectant for when i flat iron it. "talk to me, audrey."

"it's nothing." i say, not really wanting to talk about it.

"after breakfast, you're gonna tell me what's wrong." he says, continuing to put the stuff in my hair. i smiled, knowing he wasn't going to stop until i told him which is what i love about him.

"breakfast is almost ready. might wanna get down there before jeremy and the kids." pattie had walked past.

"should i ask them if they're back together?" justin blurted randomly, looking at me in the mirror.

i nod. "but ask them when you're not around the kids because we all know how family talks get."

"well can you distract them?"

"after i flat iron my hair." i say, looking at the afro that justin created. he smirks. "you did that on purpose."

"i know, and you look adorable." he kisses my cheek. "come on, let's go eat breakfast."


interracial couple goals

lmao sike might get his hands tangled in my hair 😂

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