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The ride back to the home was mostly silent. I was still feeling "floaty" from Harry's hug, and I didn't feel like talking right now. It would take away my buzz from his hug. It was a beautiful hug he'd given me before we left his flat. It was long, and the way he held me, told me that he'd never let anything bad happen to me. It was like he spoke through his hug. Telling me that he truly cared about me, and he was here for whatever I ever needed. Even if it was something he didn't want to do, like touch my body. I still did feel bad for making him touch me there, but I just couldn't help myself, after watching his body shake and his hips thrust into the air.....and the way he groaned and his breath hitched over and over.....it turned me on past any point I'd ever known. Even though I've only ever been turned on for him. Watching him lose control like that was.....more than my body could take.

And my org.asm was so strong and so satisfying, my entire body felt like jelly.

I shuddered from the good thoughts of what happened in Harry's flat.

"You cold?" Harry asked me.

"Nope. I'm perfect, thank you", I told him with a smile. He smiled back and his eyes went back to the road.

Why does Harry make me feel like this? I want him so bad, but he doesn't want me. But, he kisses me sometimes. Maybe that's what friends do? I don't even know? It never occurred to me, but maybe that's how people are, and I just don't know it.

That would explain it. Because why else would Harry always kiss me when he doesn't like me past a friend?

I pushed all the confusion to the back of my mind, and thought about the different things I'd seen when I explored Harry's flat. It was really interesting. And being in someone's house for the first time ever was wonderful! I had no idea what it'd be like, but I wanted to see it. Now I can picture Harry at home. I can picture him sleeping. Eating, cooking, watching tv on his sofa......yay!

We pulled into the home about 15 minutes late. I hoped to God I wouldn't be punished for this. I didn't know what they did for punishments here, but it made me nervous.

I hadn't misbehaved yet, but I knew I would mess up sometime, and it was probably now.

I didn't wait for Harry to come around and open my car door. I learned how to do it, and I got out quickly and started walking to the house. Oh....close the door! I turned to walk back and close it, but Harry had it just swinging shut now. "Sorry! I forgot. I haven't ridden in many cars." I told him, and I spun back around on my one heel and started walking quickly to the house again.

Harry caught up to me by jogging. He grabbed my elbow gently to stop me and asked what was wrong.

"I'm going to be in trouble. I don't know what they do for punishments here, but I really don't want to be hurt again" I told him, my eyes welling up with tears.

"Gwen! No!! They won't hurt you here! They don't do that sort of thing here. Or anywhere, for that matter! That was only with the bad guys. They won't touch you. I promise! And even if they did, which is totally impossible, because they would go to jail, I wouldn't allow it anyway! I would never allow anyone to hurt you, ever again, ok?"

"What if they wait till you leave to hurt me?"

"I absolutely promise you, they are NOT going to hurt you. They are not going to lay a single hand on you. They are not going to touch you in any way. If they're mad because you're a little late, they might take away some of your freedom. Like, not allow me to come over, or give you less hours to go off on your own, or not let you have a snack before bed, or something.

Cross My Heart // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now