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I could feel it. How much she truly loved me.

As she cried, she looked up into my eyes, and held my face in both of her hands. Her eyes told me everything I ever needed to know. Every doubt I'd ever had. Every doubt I'd ever have in the future...it was all right there, in her eyes. Her love for me. The way she needed me. The way she couldn't live without me......

"I don't want to love him. But I just...DO!

I can't NOT love him! Just plain KNOWING Lou makes me love him. He's....everything someone would want.

But I want it to be all YOU in my heart. It feels like it's all you, so how can I possibly love him at all?" she asked.

"How do you love your mum and your dad? You LOVE them. Both. At the same time. AND, you LOVE ME! That's how", I gave her a good example.

The feeling of "I'm just done now" came over my entire body. I was done. I couldn't hear anymore. I couldn't talk any more. Nothing major happened between Lou and Gwen while they were away. If I wasn't in the picture....major things would have happened. Which is why I tried to "will Gwen to Lou" when I thought my time here on Earth was through. I KNOW she could fall in love with him if I wasn't around long enough. And I was SURE she'd be happy, and I could die in peace, knowing that.
Maybe she wouldn't love him quite as much as she loves me. Maybe I DO have something extra that he doesn't have. But I know she could be plenty happy with him if she wanted.

I put my hands on top of Gwen's hands, still on the sides of my face, and I kissed the God damn HE.LL out of her in that moment.

I kissed the living fvck out of her. To put it bluntly, sorry.

She made no less of an effort than I did, kissing me back.

Soon, as our cheeks rubbed frantically together between kisses, as our mouths smeared across each other's, our lips stretching out into odd shapes as they found their place again, our tears started to mix between our skin.

And soon after that, now breathless and panting, but our eyes almost never losing sight of one another's, Gwen was laying back on the couch and I was hovering over her. I hadn't even noticed we'd fallen over. All I knew was kisses. All I knew was the taste of her lips and her skin. The feeling of her love. The salt of our tears.....

Her hands left my face for a moment, and I gasped at the loss of her warmth on my skin. Something started pulling at my sweatpants. The cool air hit me as they were pulled down. It was her. She was pulling them down. I lifted my hips so she could accomplish her mission.

As soon as they were down, and I replaced my hips on hers, I noticed heat. Her sweat pants were already down. How had she done that without me noticing?

Her hands came right back up to my face again and now she had a new look in her eyes.


Along with the love I found in her eyes, came need now. She needed me. To be as close as two people can be. And I needed her. I needed to be one with her now. To complete and top off the intensity of our love.

I pushed between her legs, that couldn't spread apart much due to her pants not being that far down. Everything down there fell perfectly into position and I slid into her as easy as putting a straw into a glass of milk. It wasn't about s.ex right now, though. It was about....being as CLOSE to her as physically possible. Against each other wasn't enough. But our bodies connected....that's what we were after. Her legs squeezed together, keeping me inside of her with all she had.

I didn't move, as our twisted, contorted faces slithered over one another's, picking up new tears as they moved.

Her hands held me to her, and my hands held her wrists to me on the sides of my face.

Cross My Heart // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now