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I wasn't surprised obviously, when Emma texted me and asked to meet me at a coffee shop in town. I knew what she wanted, and I was prepared to tell her how I really felt about Louis and Gwen. I'd hold nothing back. I'd tell her how heartbreakingly hard it is sometimes, especially when it's overwhelmingly obvious sometimes.

But I'll tell her also, how I know that the heart can love two people, and obviously there'll always be a favorite, and for Gwen, that favorite will always be me. And that if given the chance and plenty of time, Lou's favorite can be Emma some day. I know it can. I can see how he looks at her sometimes.

I can also see how he's holding back, too. Either because he doesn't feel like trying to love someone else, or because he's afraid of trying to love her, and she'll leave him if she gets too uptight about his feelings for Gwen. It's got to be so hard for him, and I know he doesn't CHOOSE to love Gwen. And I know he'd do anything to make his feelings disappear other than the love of friendship, if he could. He didn't ask for this hardship. But you can't help but to love who you love.

I'll tell her all about my history with Louis, and how close we are, and how he's been there, blah blah blah....I've been there, yadda yadda yadda, and all of that stuff, that makes me trust him. I'll do what I can to make it sound better than it is, but only a little....because I want he and Emma to work. Not just because I want him to find someone and leave Gwen alone. But because I want him to find THE one, and be truly happy like I am. And she seems as close as "the one" that he's ever gotten, so far, so.....

We left Emma's flat in the morning after Emma cooked us all breakfast. Gwen tried to help, but Emma said she wanted to do this for us all. We got back to our flat, and realized......Lou's still at Emma's!


So yeah. That happened. A little loving. Followed by a little rough. In a few different places. The second time was just after I had chased her through the flat, with my ready again co.ck. She was trying to escape me, with an "I'm too sore" excuse, but she sort of teased me at the same time, so I told her I was gonna tear that sh.it up, sore or not, and she ran. Naked. All over the flat. And I chased her, stiff co.ck in hand. Yeah. Picture THAT.

You're welcome.

I finally caught her in the kitchen, and ended up taking her on the floor. She fought me, but it was just more of a turn on. For me and for her.

While we recovered on the cool floor, which felt GREAT, compared to our sweat covered bodies, she asked me what I had hoped she'd forget from last night's intense game of truth or dare.

Yeah. She didn't forget.
She asked me about me doing stuff with a man, and if it had anything to do with Lou's yes answer.

So, I told her. I plainly told her about the time when Lou and I were like 15 or 16 and we jer.ked off together...and jer.ked each other off. And then a few nights later, jer.ked off next to each other, under our blankets.

She was SHOCKED. She sat there watching me talk, with her hand over her mouth so I could only see her wide eyes bulging out.

I told her to google it. Teen boys do that sh.it all the time. It's just....something that happens. Feeling new feelings in their bodies, they get horny, talk to their friends, sh.it happens. Google it. It's VERY common. It's almost like a rite of passage through puberty for boys, really. It doesn't mean anyone's gay or bisexual, either. It's just....young people exploring. Girls do it too...I just get the sense that boys do it more. I mean...didn't ya ever hear the term 'circle jer.k'? I had a friend that used to tell me all about he and his friends doing circle jer.ks in the woods, actually. So I didn't feel bad. He invited me along a few times, but I refused. I felt weird enough about what Lou and I had done, and I didn't want MORE on my mind.

Cross My Heart // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now