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Things had gotten back to normal pretty quick, suprisingly. It was nice. Normal was good.

Harry got back to working on his album finally a few weeks ago, and I had resumed school. And seeing the shrink, of course. I think she was relieved that I had new drama to get over now, because I was pretty much thinking of quitting for a while, see how I did without her.

But now I'll stay, because things were really fvcked up in my latest captivity. And guess who else goes now? Harry.

She recommended he go, mostly because of the nightmares he was getting. They were more often than before. The things he saw while we were kidnapped....he needed to talk it out. Have someone help him deal with it, before it got the best of him.

He was alright the first few days back, but then he started to get...just different. I can't explain it.

It was like the fact that I had just had s.ex with sooo many more guys...in the middle of our relationship, had finally really hit him all of a sudden. The first few days, he was just glad to be alive. Glad to be home. But then everything started flooding back to him.

So he volunteered to see the shrink every week, when I mentioned it. He didn't want anything to ruin our relationship. Especially not those monsters who did that to us.

We asked Louis if he would want to see the shrink, at least a few times, if not more, but he didn't believe in shrinks, he said. Not for himself, at least. He said if he could get over his childhood and grow to be a sane person, then he can get over this.

Harry said the offer stands any time he feels he might need it, and he'll pay for it all.

Louis didn't end up coming over that second night when Paul was here.

I called him first thing the next morning, just to make sure he was ok. He sounded really appreciative that I'd thought of him and called to check on him. I told him he could come hang out any time of day...or night, since he doesn't work right now, he might get bored. He sounded good, though, so hopefully he is. I just hate the thought of him adjusting back to life all alone. He said he has his "women" to ease his stress. His fvck friends. Right. I'd forgotten about them. Harry had told me about them. How convenient, I suppose.

Harry refused all interviews the media wanted to do. His manager gave a statement saying for everyone to basically leave us alone, so we can get over our traumatic events, and for everyone to respect our privacy. Hopefully people will forget after a while.

He didn't want to have to make something up and lie about it, AND....there's gotta be other places and victims like that still, so he didn't want any more trouble from "bad guys" as we still called them.

We visited the girls in the home about a week after we got back. They had heard about it, and they all couldn't imagine what it must have been like, going back to that again. They were all very supportive.

And very gentle when hugging Harry.

We found out that Tearsa was pregnant. From one of the guys at the boy's home. She didn't know which one, though. She didn't know how it happened. She swore she used condoms every time.

Also, Tara realized that she could leave the home, and decided to go. She'd gotten to be friends with someone in the neighborhood on her walks, and went to live with them.

Other than that, everyone was doing pretty well. The counselors were happy as hell to see us, as it'd been a while, and hearing about us being taken scared the sh.it out of them all. They were extra alert and careful around the home. They were so freaked about Harry almost dying, they were nearly in tears when we told the story.

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