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I woke early. I watched the sun rise through the silhouettes of the trees. It was quite beautiful, actually. Sleeping in the forest wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. I felt sort of itchy, imagining stuff crawling all over me all night...but other than that, and the chill in the air, it was a cool experience, actually. I only wished I'd experienced it with Harry. I wished it was under better circumstances, so I could fully enjoy it.

I tried to cuddle to Louis closer and get warm, but I just couldn't go back to sleep. And cuddling close to him only resulted in him turning towards me more, and wrapping his arms around me, resting his face practically on mine, so we were pretty much cheek to cheek.

I had to try and wiggle my head away so I could relax.

I got my face away, and now I was face to face with him as he slept. He snored slightly on and off.

I studied his face. It looked peaceful. Happy, even. I watched his eyes move slightly under his lids.

I looked at his lips. He really did have nice lips. Harry had beautiful lips, but Lou's...they were just as nice, just different.

I remembered them on mine, when we were taken. I'd had to kiss him. I'd had to, to get him going so we could....yeah.....so he wouldn't die.

They had felt....cushiony. Why couldn't he find a girl who couldn't resist his lips? Why couldn't he find someone? I mean, he was young. We all were. There was plenty of time. But, he should have a lot more dates than he gets. He's......well, he's fvcking HOT!

My hand, out of boredom, was drawn up to his hair. It was sticking up, so I played with it. Smoothed it down. I moved some pieces off his face, and then I ended up tracing the outline of his forehead, then down past his ear, following his sharply defined jawline down to his chin. And I sort of got mesmerized a bit, and my hand moved up a little and stopped on his lips. My thumb explored them for a quick few seconds. Just like he had done to mine last night. They were just so...nice looking.

My eyes were getting heavy now, so I might be able to get back to sleep for a while.

I moved my face up just a bit, and planted a kiss on Lou's cheek, next to his lips. Then I tucked my head down into his neck, and closed my eyes.

I thought of Harry. I thought of how happy Harry was yesterday. How beaming he was at his party. How his manager and record people would come and update him on sales numbers and projections.

I still hadn't heard his album yet. He told me there was a song on there for me. I couldn't wait to hear it.

He had so many songs he'd written about me over the past year. But he said there was a special one for me. If we get home today, and IF Harry forgives me for running out and spending the night half way across England with his best friend, I wanted to finally hear the song.

I pictured Harry some more, and soon I finally fell into more sleep.


I was so tired. SO tired. But yet, so warm and comfy. I was on the ground. In a forest. I knew that. But...I had Gwen next to me. Tucked against my entire body. That was better than any night, in the coziest bed possible. She felt so warm. I soaked in her heat. I listened to her breathe. I could tell when she'd woken up. Her breathing changed. She stretched a little, but it was chilly out, so she cuddled against me closer. I turned towards her more, and I wrapped my arm around her as much as I could, to maybe warm her more. She smelled so good. She felt so good.

I'd spent the night with her once before. No, twice, actually. Every once in a while, I'd get a night with her, and it was the best treat in the entire world. Once I put my guilt aside, that is, and just...enjoyed it while it lasted.

Cross My Heart // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now