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"Move, ya big dummy!" Emma said, pushing Lou's side, trying to get him out of her view.

Sh.it.  Crap. Fvck.

He moved a little bit, and tried to leave it at that. He actually moved enough, but then sneakily slid back again as much as he could. I laughed at him, just to ease the tension. Harry was making jokes too, because the silence the first few seconds after Lou was dared to do this, had been deafening.

"Sure....make her kiss my best mate! Don't mind me! I'll just be right here! Ok. Just right here!" Harry joked to keep the "fun" in the air.

"Wait...I thought you were gonna be in California!?" Emma joked back. "YES! Now I can totally make you guys go bise.xual on each other! You LIAR!" she laughed and Harry said "SH.IT!" sarcastically.

"Is anyone gonna count for us? Or are Lou and I gonna sit here staring at each other all night?" I said overtop of Emma and Harry's voices, to get this over with, because while they were talking, Lou was...staring into my eyes. With "that look" that I knew well. And I didn't wany anything to ruin he and Emma, so I needed to get this done. I scrunched my eyebrows down and gave Lou a "snap out of it" look, shaking my head 'no' slightly. He closed his eyes for a few seconds. "I know" he whispered, barely audible to even me.

"Oh, right! Sorry, I was caught up in picturing all the great things I could make the guys do, now that Harry won't be in Cali..." Emma joked. "Alright...ready? Go!"

And Lou's lips came down on mine. I kept my face still, like I had when I kissed Emma. And he TRIED to keep still, I could tell. But by the count of four, he couldn't help it, and he sighed into my mouth, and started moving. Not much though. He was trying to control it. But I could feel him moving more and more as the seconds passed. Gwen was counting slowly, too. Damn her. Come ON!

Since Lou was moving some, I couldn't help but move, especially because a tingle went through my lips and down my spine, right through my core, and down into my legs, even.

Why did I react this much every time? I still didn't understand it. I love HARRY. I WANT Harry. Harry makes my body feel better than anything I've ever felt in my life. But yet...Lou feels pretty damn fucking good too. Pain in my arse. Was this like....a regular, normal thing now? Because it sure felt like it by now. Every few months, it would be time to kiss Louis. For one reason or another...every time we kissed, I thought it would be our last. And every time, I'd FEEL that feeling pour out of his lips. Him kissing me as if it was the last time he'd ever get to have his lips on mine.

And yet....soon enough, there we were again.....lips together.

"TEN!" Emma yelled that number louder than the rest, signaling that we were done and off the hook now. I started to pull back, but Lou's lips lingered like two seconds too long, making me extremely nervous. I just noticed now, why I couldn't pull back like I had wanted.

At some point, Lou had put his hands around my face, holding me there.

"Fvck", he murmured really softly, barely moving his lips, then his eyes opened, and he gave me 'that look' that I just described, and I could see that pleading in his eyes, that meant he never wanted to pull away. Ever. It was like...heartbreak, coming right out of his eyes. I hated that look. It made me sad. I stayed as poker faced as I could, because Emma could see MY face mostly.

Lou sat back and started to take a deep breath, but cut it off with a cough. Then a nervous sip of drink.

Emma seemed fine. She seemed happy like she was for all the other weird stuff we'd done during this game tonight. I laughed, and Lou laughed, and Harry laughed....and we all just...tried to make it all normal. But it just WASN'T normal. That was the problem.

Cross My Heart // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now