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They came in and took me one morning, just after they took Gwen to...."work" all day.

I didn't know what the hell they wanted with me. I was confused and so anxious. Were they going to kill me now? I didn't get to say goodbye to Gwen. I don't remember our last kiss. It'd been so long ago....

I went up to the main level of the store, then through a door, and back down into another cellar, and into a room. There was a small office looking area in the corner. In another corner, was a small table with monitor screens, and audio equipment.

I was led to that table, and forced to sit down.

A man turned on the monitor, and immediately I saw Gwen. And a man. They were naked. He was climbing on to her.....oh God......
My blood boiled.

They're making me watch her working! Fvcking BAS.TARDS! Are they fvcking SICK? Well, yeah. Duh. They are. But making me watch?

"What the hell?" I yelled to the man who was just turning on a speaker. Now I suddenly could hear inside of Gwen's s.ex room.

I started shaking like crazy. My jaw clenched. I saw red. I stood up and turned violently towards the man, who calmly took a gun out of his pants that was hidden under his shirt.

I was ready to bash his brains out, but...now he had his gun out. FVCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

"You watch. All day. Enjoy. I'll be working. Facing you. So I'll see if you try anything stupid. You did this yourself. This is the payment you get for fvcking with our business", he said to me and walked over to the desk in the opposite corner.

I plopped back down into the chair, and looked at the floor for a while, exasperated. Trying to calm myself down and think. But there was nothing to think about. Nothing for me to do. If I made a move, I'd be shot. I was totally, utterly helpless. And that was torture.

All I could hear was this stranger, who was currently fvcking my wonderful, loving girlfriend, grunting. Enjoying her body. Without her permission. She had NO say.

I glimpsed at the monitor again, even though I didn't want to. I just...wanted to see how she was handling her hell. She had her head turned, and she laid there lifeless underneath him, staring at the wall. She looked like a zombie. There was no life in her. She was just a....rag doll, getting used.

My hand came up and covered my mouth to try and hold in a huge sob that shook my body.

The tears came next. I put both my elbows on the table and held my face tight as I cried for Gwen.

All I could wish was that I'd wake up sweaty and sad, and she'd be there holding me, having awoke me from another nightmare. But she wasn't waking me this time. This was real.

It'd been two weeks now. How much longer? Forever? Ten years? Was this the end of my life as I knew it? I thought of Gwen's mum. She'd just gotten her baby back. She was supposed to be on her way over for breakfast that day we were taken. What was she doing right now? Did she figure out that we were taken? Did she think Gwen changed her mind and didn't want a relationship? I hoped that she figured it all out, and went to the proper authorities. She knew from Gwen and I telling her the story, that the police were corrupt. So if she did try to find us, hopefully she'd go to the NCA. I had mentioned Jack's name when I told her my part of the story. I'm sure I had. Would she remember it? Would she be able to find someone that could lead her to us here? She was our only hope, I believed.

I soon grew weary and tired after watching about 5 different guys sc.rew my girlfriend. She cried all the way through one of them, who was way too rough with her. I was enraged, and I almost pushed everything off of this table, but...I was afraid they'd hurt her for revenge. So I sat there, squeezing the edges of the table, hands shaking, body sweating, trying to keep control. Trying not to lose it.

Cross My Heart // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now