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   Five weeks later.....


It was late when I woke up. Harry and I had some awesome, fun s.ex last night, so I was sort of sore this morning, and didn't wake him by touching his body, like usual. I just wanted to pee and eat and get ready. I was going to lunch with my mum. It was our thing. Every Wednesday, we'd go to lunch together. Just her and I.

We'd gotten to know each other quite well already. She visited our flat only two days after meeting us that first time. She told us life is short, and she's had enough wasted time, so she wanted to see me as much as possible. It made me really really happy that she wanted to be in my life. And that, made Harry happy...which made me even more happy....yeah, that whole endless cycle of happy.

The first two lunches, Harry came with us. Because I wanted him to. I'd never been out in the world without him yet. I never had reason to be. But I got used to it quickly, especially because I was with my mum, and I knew she'd protect me just like Harry would. I could sense that from her. I looked forward to Wednesdays. She was a nurse's aide at a doctor's office, and Wednesdays were her day off. And Saturdays. Last Tuesday, she'd slept over our flat, after having dinner out with us, and having a few drinks after. Louis came over too, and my mum was more than happy to meet the other guy who helped give her daughter back her life. He felt sorta awkward when she just kept squeezing him, but I could tell he felt good about it. Louis told us later, that she was a total MILF. I slapped him all over as he cracked up while blocking my hits. So gross!
Sometimes I wondered how Louis didn't have a girlfriend. He was so wonderful. Why not? And he wasn't gay, Harry told me. I'd asked if he was absolutely SURE about that. And he ended up telling me that Lou liked me. I had been completely clueless to it. But after Harry explaining it, it made sense. Some of the things he'd said to me that night when Harry went to the hospital for his wrist and we slept on the sofa together. Little 'moments' that had stuck out in my head as sort of odd, but I didn't know why. THAT was why.

I asked Harry if it made him mad that Louis liked HIS girlfriend. And he said no, because he knew, and had proved, that he'd never try and take me away. And because he knew that I'd never allow Lou to take me away.

Anyway, I quietly got ready for my shower hoping to not wake Harry, and hopped in. I had planned for it to be a quick shower, but then since it was morning, and since I was used to s.ex in the morning, and since I'd started picturing things Harry and I had done last night......yeah......the shower lasted a little longer than I planned. I couldn't help it. I didn't really ever do "that" till recently. I'd never thought to. I had Harry. But a few Wednesdays ago, my mum got called into work in the middle of our lunch, so we took our food in containers, and she dropped me off early.

I walked in, and Harry was in the bedroom. He didn't hear me come in, surprisingly. He was laying on top of the covers, pants pushed down to his upper thighs. Just enough for everything he needed to reach, to be...reachable.

When I first walked into the doorway, my jaw dropped, and I gasped and jumped in surprise.

His eyes were closed, so he didn't see me. I took a step, and was going to announce my presence, but then...I thought it was kinda sexy, what he was doing. He was telling the truth before, when he said he doesn't really use porn, I guess. I wondered what he was thinking about as he stroked himself. Up and down his hard co.ck. Honestly, it was a beautiful sight. Like, it could be a beautiful piece of photography art, beautiful.

Seeing him like that made me horny, and before I knew it, my hand was exploring myself over my clothes.

I didn't hide from him at all. If he opened his eyes, he'd see me standing there watching him.

Cross My Heart // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now