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Harry and I cleaned up the blood in the kitchen/living room doorway with gloves on. I kept getting flashes of the sound of Harry's fist connecting over and over with Larry's face. It was a dreadful sound. I was surprised the arguing couple upstairs didn't come down to help break up OUR fight!

Poor Harry....trying to help the people upstairs, only to come back down to find his own drama unfolding in his own kitchen.

We cleaned up and realized we were hungry, so we ordered in, then cuddled together on the couch while semi watching a movie on Netflix. We were also semi making out. Snogging. Fooling around. Giggling. Being silly. Teasing each other.

We ended up falling asleep on the couch, and staying there all night, with just a throw blanket over us.

In the morning, I woke first, like usual. A few minutes later, I heard Harry having one of his bad dreams. He told me they were like memories. Of that day in the woods. That he wasn't there in time to stop it before it started. That he'd seen it, in real life. In great detail. That it happened at all. He only had bad dreams sometimes, but that was enough. I hated that he suffered in his sleep that way. He told me he would get bad dreams of whatever was traumatic in his life at the time. They'd always go away in a year or so, but by that time, something new would have happened, and it would just sort of get replaced by something else bad.

I wondered about today's bad dream......was it a new scenario?

I grabbed Harry's chin and shook it a little bit and tapped lightly on his cheek when that didn't work.

He was all "No.....not her....please stay....don't go...." and stuff. I felt bad. This time sounded more frantic. Like it was a worse dream than usual. He had way more whimpering cries too. It was truly pathetic to listen to. Heartbreaking, actually.

I shook his chest a lot harder than I shook his face. That finally worked. His eyes bolted open towards the ceiling, and moved to the side to find me looking down at him. His arms automatically flew up and around me and he pulled me down to him and held me there, breathing heavily in my ear.

I reassured him as I always do, and he got control of his thoughts and kissed my cheek when it was ok for me to leave his tight embrace.

I leaned back up and asked him straight out. "Was it a different dream this time? Or the usual one?"

"It was a mixture of both, actually. The attacker...in the woods.....it was....him this time. He was choking you while he....it was too hard. It was too rough. And I was almost too late. And when I got there, you didn't want my help. You wanted to.....let him finish you off...." he sighed and closed his eyes trying to clear the image.

"I'd never want that now. Not with you in my life", I reassured him.

"I know. I know. Stupid nightmares", he shook his head looking annoyed at himself.

I tried to change the subject to get him out of his nightmare funk. "I gotta pee. What do you wanna do today? Anything?" I asked him as I pulled the covers back and slid out of the side of the bed.

"I got nothin' in mind....but if you have an idea, I'm all ears."

"I got nothin' either, actually. Let me pee, before I do it right here on your floor", I giggled and he crinkled his face as I rushed out of the room.

When I came out, he was standing in the bedroom, pee hard on tent pitched, as usual.

I pointed and laughed like usual. It must suck to be a guy sometimes. He stuck his tongue out at me for making fun of him, and went to the bathroom.

Cross My Heart // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now