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Louis is coming home today! Yay!!! I can't wait any longer. Just having him home, safe and sound with us, will be wonderful. And of course, BEING home, in general will be wonderful as well! It's been 8 days of living in the hospital. We haven't been home since we left our flat for Paul's party. It's hard to believe! And it's strange. Like, when you leave somewhere, you always expect to come home again when you're done. But sometimes...you don't. And life's strange that way. Lou almost didn't come back home. But I can't think of that too much, because I get too sad. It's happy time. He's alright, and he'll be home in a few hours. That's all I need to know.

Harry's parents visited Lou the day after the crash, and several other days, including getting to see him awake a few times. They stayed in our flat, so they wouldn't be far. And they brought us clothes and washed our dirty clothes a few times, too. Brought us everything we needed. Chargers, snacks, tooth brushes, etc....it worked out great. We showered in Lou's room, and lived off of the cafe, except when his parents would bring us take away food. That was nice.

They were pretty broken up when they saw Louis the first time. Harry's mum broke down big time. It was like a replay of her seeing Harry like that.  His dad was tough, but I could see his face struggling to keep it under control. I left the room then, because I thought he might want privacy. Harry stayed and put his arm around him for support. But then his dad ended up supporting Harry while he had a cry on his dad's shoulder. I noticed it when I walked by the door to see if they were done yet. They weren't.

When they got to see him awake though, it was so much better. There were still tears. And kisses and more tears, but they were happy tears. I'll never forget the look I saw on Lou's face when Harry's parents said their goodbyes for the day, and turned to leave the room. I was sitting in the chair, across the room, trying to doze, but being kept awake by the pleasant conversation and joking between Lou and Harry's parents. Harry was off, taking a crap or something, which was another joke in itself that day.

They turned and started walking away, and I opened my eyes to see them go. Then I turned my eyes to see Lou, and he was just....smiling. He was watching them and smiling...a different smile than I'd ever seen on him. It was like...I don't even know. Proud. Happy. Loved. Astonished, even. What I felt when I watched him watch them walk away, was....appreciation, I guess. He looked so happy in that moment, that those two people took him and and made them a part of their family, that he almost couldn't believe his luck. That's what I took from his odd but heartfelt smile. It made me smile, and I closed my eyes again, and let him finish basking in his warm, fuzzy feelings in private.

When he woke up hours later after learning the entire story from Harry a few days ago, I FINALLY got to talk to him. I didn't wanna bother him the first time he woke up, and I didn't wanna bother his time with Harry but when he asked for me the next time he woke up, I was more than happy to have MY turn with him. He didn't actually ask for me. He sort of....dreamed about me. And called out for me in his dream. I was dozing in the chair, while Harry was getting us dinner in the hospital cafe.

I heard my name, and I jumped up. I didn't know who it was at first. I was confused. I looked around and saw Lou's head moving back and forth a little bit, and his eyes were closed. I got scared right away, and thought he was in pain or something bad was happening. He called my name again. That's when I realized he was dreaming. I went to his side and took his hand.

"Lou....Lou, wake up....are you dreaming?"

His eyes opened, and they looked scared. It made me sad. I brought his hand up with both of mine, and kissed it. "I'm here Lou. I think you were dreaming. Are you alright?"

He looked over at me and breathed out a jagged sigh that shook his chest a little.

"You're here", was all he said as he looked at me, like he was shocked that I was standing there.

Cross My Heart // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now