Chapter six: Caught Up

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Nathan POV

Two weeks later

I got out of bed said my prayers, and did my hygiene. I walked into the kitchen to see Kay made apple and cinnamon oatmeal, breakfast potatoes, pancakes, and toast.

" Good morning baby." She fixed my plate, and kissed me.

"Good morning." I said my grace, and ate my food.

"I slept so good after you put it down like that last night." She blushed. "These last couple of weeks ju- ju- just been amazing."

"I bet." I smirk.

"You're really quiet this morning." she sat down at the table.

"Just don't feel like talking." I said. "You still coming by the studio later?"

"Yes." she took a sip of her coffee.

"You off work today?" I realized she wasn't dress yet. She's always ready before I am, since she gets up so early.

"Yeah my boss gave me a day off." she ran her hands through her curls.

"Why you took your twist out?"

"Got tired of them. I think I want to dye my hair honey blonde."

"You should, and let your hair grow out. I love it when its long." I told her.

"Me too. I need to stop putting heat on it that's why I keep getting it cut. I thought about getting a relaxer since I love wearing my hair straight so much. But then again I don't want to put too many strong chemicals in my hair."

"Just dye it, and get a weave, or something" I suggested. That's all I see females wear now a days.

"I think I'll do that."

"Anyways somebody got a birthday next week."

"I can't believe I'm turning 23. Time goes by so fast"

"What do you want to do for your birthday?" I asked her.

"I just wanna go out of town. I also want this bracelet I seen the other day. We still going to Hawaii?" she got up to wash our dishes.

"Yes we are. I hope you put in to take those days off." I said.

"I took a week, and half off."

"You know were are staying for three weeks?"

"You were serious about staying that long. I don't even know if I can take that many weeks off." she replied.

"Well we can just go for a week, and a couple days. I'll just give the other two weeks to someone for a blessing. I got three different resorts for each week. So we can explore different parts of Hawaii. But if you can't take off can we can explore one."

"Damn that would of been fun, and exciting. But we still going to enjoy ourselves either way. I always have a good time with my baby." She came, and sat on my lap.

"You right. You going have the best birthday ever, and I'm going to make sure of that."

"I love you so much Nate." she kissed me.

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