Chapter Twelve: Good Times

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I changed Nathan's mother Name to Natalie, because I like that better. Also I added more details to chapter six to let you all know that Nathan has anger issues. ⬇⬇⬇⬇

Anyways Enjoy

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Anyways Enjoy. This chapter is long overdue, but this month has been tough!

Nathan's POV

I took Allura advice surprisingly. I spent the last few days reflecting. One thing I realize is that I put so much into Kaydyn that I forgot about me. She was my whole world literally. I put my goals, and things I wanted on hold for her. Everything I did was for her. I lost myself loving her. I think it is time to get back to me. The guy I was before I fell in love with Kaydyn. The thing that hurts me the most is that we were best friend before all of this.

She use to get on me about the girls I were into back then. I would tell her she need to stop fucking with bum niggas. We use tell each other everything. We had a strong bond. I never thought she would ruin our friendship like this. She could've just said I want to see other people, and I would've been cool with that. Then we could've went back to friends. Of course I would've been hurt still, but not like this.

I honestly think we got so caught up in the relationship that we lost that bond we built as a friendship first, and maybe that's when things started going down hill. Maybe we didn't support each other enough. Not pushing each other to our very best. Maybe she just got too comfortable with me, and didn't want to leave even though she wasn't happy. Maybe we were in a relationship past its due date.

The past few days I went to go run on the track three times a day. I always wanted to go to the Olympics, and I'm going to start training now. Right now I'm chilling smoking a blunt. My mom comes into town tomorrow. She found a two bed room condo down the street from where I live. My brother Is at work, he get off in a hour. This blunt is just what I needed. I think I might go out tonight. I just don't know where I want to go. Part me want to go out and try a new restaurant, or maybe I'll switch it up go to a club. Clubs, and parties hasn't been my scene anymore since I graduated college. My phone started ringing I got up from my bed, and got it off my tv stand where I left it. Allura was calling me.

"Hello." I answered.

"I'm bored." she simply said.

'"What you wanna do?" I asked.

"How far is a beach from here?" she asked.

"It is one about thirty minutes from the hotel."

"We should go." She said.

"Alright. I'll be there in a hour." I told her.

"Okay bye Nathan." she said before she hung up. Well I have better plans for today. I rather hang out with Allura, then go to a club. I'll just go to the club Saturday when it'll be more lit. I put on my black swimming trunks, then my Nike slides. I grabbed some beach towels, a cooler, putting water, and soda cans in there. Then I grabbed a nike bag putting items in there. I grabbed the keys to my Camaro headed out the door. I pulled up to the hotel thirty minutes later. Allura walked out as I was about to go in get her. I grabbed her things.

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