Chapter Eighteen: Vacation in Egypt

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Nathan's POV

We made it here to Egypt at 11 pm last night. That flight was long as hell. We're staying at the Mena House Hotel. I am staying in Montgomery Suite. My mom, and Nyles are staying in  Deluxe Suite. Allura is staying in the Garden Suite. Tymir, Jayda, and Jaylyn are staying in the Executive Suite. We ate at the 139 All-Day Dining Room & Terrace since it was the only place open at the hotel. They have pretty good food. Now all of us are on our way to get breakfast from Zitouni. We got two rent a car early this morning. Nyles rode with Tymir, since it wasn't enough room in this car.

"Mommy I'm hungry." Jaylyn whined.

"I know pumpkin, we'll be there in  a minute." Jayda replied.

"You okay?" I asked Allura.

"Yeah I'm fine." She gave me  a soft small. I knew she was lying I can see it in her eyes.

"We can talk about it later if you want." I whispered in her ear. She nodded.

"What ya'll lovebirds whispering about?" Jayda asked.

"Stop being so nosy." I told her.

After we ate we went to the Egyptian Museum.

"Babe take a picture of me by the Spinx." Allura said while posing.

"You so pretty." I said. "Nyles take us picture of us." I told him. 

"I wanna take picture too." Jaylyn hopped in our pictures. Soon after we took a family picture with everyone.

"It is so nice here. Now I can officially say I have been all over the world except Dubai." My mom said.

"We can go there next summer." I told her. "You ready for college? As soon as we get back you have to leave for band camp."

"Yeah I am so ready to experience a new world." He said.

"College will be the best years of your life. I honestly wish I could go back, and re live it all over again." Allura said.

"You were in the band at Bethune right?" Nyles asked.

"Yeah  I dance my last three years because freshman year I didn't make the team." She told him.

"I am drum major at ASU, and my girl is dancer." He said.

"That's cute. Just to let you know they going to be hard as hell on you since you are freshman, and you got a spot as drum major. Stay on your A game because it always someone who want your spot. If you fucked up the band director will not hesitate to put you in another  section." She told him.

"Thanks for the advice." He replied to her.

"no problem. I just know my dance coach, and band director were hard on me. I have sat out on three games in a row when I couldn't get the dance routine right. Just know that HBCU's are very  very unorganized just to give you a heads up. The experience  is everything though. My school felt like we were a big happy family, and the professors actually cared about you. Then homecoming is the best. Then Fried Chicken Wednesday is the best day in the cafe." She told him. They continue to talk about college as we walked around the museum. I'm glad he found someone to talk about the HBCU experience because my older brother, and I went to PWI's.  Its amazing to see your family get alone with your future girl.

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