Chapter Twenty Two: Birthday Getaway Part 2

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Nathan's POV

Allura and I are getting ready to go out. Today is Friday. Tuesday is the day we first came here on her birthday. Wednesday we went to the lavender festival, and ice skating. Yesterday we laid around, had sex, and ate all day. Also I helped her with her homework. 

"Where we going?" She said putting on her blue lace panties I got her. I also went out, and bought her a whole bunch of lingerie from Pink. Another gift I got her is I redesign her website. She asked me to do, it but I told her it was going to take a couple of months because I wanted to surprise her for her birthday. I got the website finished in two days. She loved the new design very much.

"It's a surprise." I slapped her ass.

"You, and all these surprises." She said putting on her black leggings.

"Surprises make everything more fun." I told her putting on my pants. I got done dressed before her of course.

"What you about to do to your hair?" I asked seeing her plugging up some curling irons.

"Wands curls." She said.

"I can't wait to see how it look." I said. While she was doing her hair I scrolled through my Instagram. Then I got a phone call from Mike.

"What's up, what you up today?"

"Nothing much, I'm taking my girl out today we are celebrating her birthday."

"Alright I see you done made things official, you out the game." He said.

"Yeah I'm going to make it official tonight. I'm going all out." I said. Allura had her music blasting from the bathroom, so I know she couldn't hear me.

"She's going to be so happy. Enjoy yourself. I pray she treats you right, and fulfilled all your needs, and nothing like that last girl you was with."

"Thanks bro, and she ain't nothing like that." I said before hanging up.

"I love your hair." I said as she came out the bathroom. She has on a blue off the shoulder shirt, black leggings, and her black Ugg.

"Thank You. Once again you trying to match my fly." She said. I have on blue shirt, black pants, and my black ugg.

"Guess we are going to be twins." I said grabbing our leathers jackets.

"Where we going?" She asked again.

"The art museum."

"I love art." She said sitting on my lap. We put on our jackets then head to the museum.  The we went to buy some artwork. She picked out a few paintings. 

"Nate I can pay for this. This is a gift to myself. I appreciate you trying to pay of me though. I don't like to depend on a man too much. I like to buy myself things too. She said as I tried to pay for them. She pecked my lips.

"Alright." After we left there we decided to get something eat at Red Robins.

"What you getting?" I asked her.

"I don't know if I want a turkey burger, or a veggie one?" she replied looking at the menu.

"I think I'll get a turkey burger. I need to get back on my diet. I fell off."

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