Chapter Twenty Six: The Truth Get Revealed

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Omenicent POV

"Thanks for making me breakfast baby". Kaydyn kissed Trey.

"Anything for my babies." He kisses her on the forehead then her belly. Trey made blueberry pancakes, breakfast potatoes, eggs, and toast. The baby is due in two days. Kaydyn pregnancy has been going great. Her son didn't give her a hard time at all. Her feet has been swallows she can't even put on her shoes. She gained thirty pounds. She's just all baby. The whole pregnancy she's been keeping braids, or twist in her hair. While eating breakfast her water broke.

"Baby my water broke." She said getting up from the table. Trey rushed to grabbed the hospital bag. They went to the car. Trey called Nathan, and told him Kaydyn is in labor. It took them five minutes to get to the birthing center.  Kaydyn's is having a water birth.  "I'm so scared" she said as she got into the room.

"You got this, we got this, I am going to be here every step of the way. They both took their clothes off, and got into the pool.

15 hours later, and baby Kamreon is here. He came out with a head full of hair. He was born at 12:30 am. He is six pounds and eighteen inches. You could tell by the ears the baby was going to be dark. The baby had Kaydyn's whole face.  Kaydyn held her baby in her arms. She is so amazed at what she created. Trey, Nate, and her Aunt were all in the room as she gave birth. Nate fell in love with the baby as soon as he held him. He kept having the feeling the baby wasn't his, so didn't want to get too attached. Trey fell in love with the baby too. He's been praying to God all day hoping for the baby to be his. He felt the test results are going to say he isn't the father. Kaydyn didn't know what to feel. She just wanted it to be God's will. She's was just happy her baby is finally here! She never knew she could love someone so much.


Nathan found out the baby wasn't his. He was okay with the result, he wished them the best, and move on with his life.

"Come help me decorate the tree like use to do when you were younger?"  Momma Nat told Nate. She waited to decorate because he was coming home for Christmas this year.

"Okay." He said grabbing ornaments, then putting them on the tree.

"You going to make my favorite meal this Christmas?" Nyles asked coming into the living room.

"Of course. When is Allura coming down? momma asked Nate.

"Tomorrow she wanted to spend the first half of the holidays with her family." He told her.

"And Nyles how come Layla isn't spending Christmas with us this year. I called her to see what she wanted for Christma, and she told me she isn't coming to the Christmas party this year. She sounded really sad."

"We broke up." He replied.

"Why is that?" Nate asked. He was shocked to hear that.

"I just felt like we both needed to try new things. It's our first semester in college I'm learning who I am as a young man. I need to explore who I am while being single. I still love her, I just want to meet other people." He told them. Nate couldn't fault him for that, being in college is a different journey. You grow with people, and you out grow people.

"I understand that, how is she holding up though? I know you done broke that girl heart." Nathan replied.

"She doing okay, we still friends, and we hang out every blue moon. She was extremely upset when we broke up. She told me she was prepared for it, because she said she had a feeling it would happen. I didn't want to break her heart, but I wanted to do what's best for me at that moment. I kept it real with her. I didn't want to cheat, or step out of our of relationship, so I told her straight up. At first it was hard for both us because we was with each every other day. Eventually we didn't talk as much. She went on dates with other guys, and got out to meet other people.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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