Chapter Twenty: The Thought of Loosing Her

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Omniscient POV

Nathan poured himself a cup of coffee, and grabbed a bagel in the break room. He is back working first shift since school started back up. It is the second to last day of August. He has been so busy this month. Him, and Allura both.  They haven't gotten a chance to spend quality time in the last few days since  both of their schedules is so hectic. With Nathan working first shift, coaching track, then going to the dance studio his scheduled is booked. He also is getting trained four times a week. Allura having classes, practice for the play, working at the dance studio, and having homework her scheduled is booked too. They usually just spend the weekends together. Him, and Allura both got tested at the clinic just to be safe. Everything came back negative. He had an appointment with Kaydyn yesterday the baby is a boy. He is happy about the possibility of him having a son, a lil him running round. 

"Good morning Nate." Erinn walked in getting herself a doughnut, and a bottled of water. He got breakfast catered this morning from one of his favorite coffee shop.

"Good morning. How are you?" 

"I am doing good. I'm moving into an apartment November the first." she smiled.

"That's great."

"I've been seeing this guy, and hes been treating Elianna, and I so good."

"I am happy for you."

"Yes God always come just in time." She smiled before walking out. 

After he ate he went to his office. Since summer is over a lot of his high school, and college kids had to quit. he's been in the process of hiring new people all month. Nate has three interviews in a hour.  After this month he won't hire anymore people until next summer unless needed. 

Allura is so happy she is finally done with classes. It is two forty five. She hasn't ate anything since breakfast, so she decided to drive to her favorite restaurant. She parked her car, got out, and headed inside the Jamaican restaurant. 

"Hey Allura. What can I get you today?" Devan asked.

"I want jerk chicken, rice and peas, coco bread, grater cake, and sweet tea."

"Alright your food will be ready in a few. You want it for here, or to go?"

"To go." She replied. 

"How have you been?" he asked her.

"I've been great what about you?"

"I've been good." He replied. After Allura paid for her food she sat down. She pulled her out her phone to text Nate to see what he is up to. She will be seeing him in couple hours when he comes to the studio. She had to be at work at four. She felt someone staring at her so she turned around. She looked in the person eyes, and something seems so familiar about them. The man has long locks, light skin, and looked to be in his mid, or late 30's. She felt as she knew him from somewhere.

"Allura here your food." Devan gave it to her.

"Thank you have a good day." She said getting up.

"You too." he replied. She ate her food at a park she likes to go to sometimes. It was so peaceful to just to sit out in nature. Once she was done she threw her food in the trash then got into her car. She let the top down. She put in the aux cord, and Listened to Ashanti "Happy." She is enjoying the feeling of the wind blow through her curls as she cruise down the highway. All of a sudden she felt a hit from the back making her loose control over her car.

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