chapter 5

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On Sunday, Chloe repeatedly called me up trying to set up more dates for me. I had agreed to go with Larry thinking that she would stop matchmaking but it looks like I had only ended up unleashing a determined monster. I figured that she thought I would be moping because of my failed date and she was trying to help me in her own ways. What she didn't know was that I wasn't moping because of the disaster of my date but because of one particular man whom I can't seem to stop thinking about.

On Monday morning, I dragged myself out of bed, ate my breakfast and dressed up for office. I wore my usual outfit- a simple white shirt, high-waisted navy blue skirt which reaches just below my knee and simple two-inch black heels. My hair was pulled back in an elegant chignon. I wore no jewellery except for a simple gold chain and a diamond-studded silver watch which was a birthday gift from my father. I kept my make-up light as usual- eyeliner and lip gloss. I put my phone, charger, lipgloss, handkerchief, notepad, pens and purse into my office bag, took the car keys and left.

When I entered the office building, I thought I could sense a tense atmosphere but dismissed it as my imagination working overtime. After all, it was a Monday and everybody had to drag themselves to the office. Most of them recovering from hangovers.

The strange thing was that, everybody seems to be preening themselves. The men were adjusting their ties and straightening their suits while the women were retouching their makeup and hairdos. Even Clara, the office nerd who never cared for her clothing  seems to be making an effort to look better.

"Is Barack Obama visiting us?" I enquired jokingly.

"Almost," Gracie, the office gossip replied excitedly.

"Mr Wilson is stepping down and handing over the company to his nephew."

Mr Ian Wilson was the 60 year old founder and CEO of our company, Wilson, Ltd. He never married and there was a rumour that it was because he was gay. Looks like his only sister's son was inheriting his company.

"Oh?" Was my smart reply.

"That's right! And he is rumoured to be very hot! Capital H-O-T! And what's more? He is still a bachelor! When he sees me, he is going to fall in lust with me and we are going to fall in bed together." Gracie croaked out. I think she was actually trying to make herself sound sultry. Well! She was sounding like a dying donkey.

"Yes, I'm sure that will totally happen," I said sarcastically with a fake smile.

"I know, right?" Sarcasm obviously did not exist in her dictionary because she walked away with an eerie smile on her face- probably imagining herself marrying Mr Wilson's nephew on a beach and having his babies. I cringed at that thought.

I entered my office and shut the door. My office phone was ringing. I picked it up to realize that it was Mr Wilson.

"Hello! Miss Lerman, could you inform all the senior employees to gather in the conference room. I know it's short notice but I have decided to hand over the company to my nephew. Don't tell them that yet. Just tell them to be there in 20 minutes."

"Yes, of course, Mr Wilson."

No need to tell them, Mr Wilson. I thought to myself. They already know. I might be the executive secretary but I was always the last one to know this kind of things. Maybe I should start gossiping with the other employees. I've always hated gossip. Nothing good ever comes from it but I was seriously considering it now.

I informed all the senior employees and walked to the conference room. And for the second time in a span of three days, my world stopped.

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