Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Natasha


I wake up to the house smelling like bacon and eggs. I walk into the kitchen and see that no one is cooking. Were was the smell coming from. I walk into the living room were everyone is sitting eating pancakes, eggs and bacon from the coffee shop

"Is there any for me?"

My mom looked at me then back at her food. "No. You were asleep so i didn't get you anything. There is cereal in the fridge. Go make you some"

I stormed out, pissed that im always left out of thing. I'm your daughter and you don't get me anything. Like really. I hop in the shower, put on my clothes on and started to head out the door.

"Were you going Natasha?"

"To get me some food."

"With what money go sit yo ass down."

"Im hungry mom. I have money let me be."

"Let me be mooom." she said mockingly. "Go ahead, but don't be out all damn day. I will lock your ass out."

I walked out the door and started heading to the park. Truth is I didn't have any money i just wanted to get out of the house. I sat on the swing and put in my headphones. If i didn't have my music i don't think i could survive in my fucked up life. I go on whisper and remember Trell. I want to talk to him but I don't want to seem needy. Like we just met.

"Natasha is that you?"

"Stacy..." I said giving her the best fake smile I could. "How are you?"

Stacy is a stuck up bitch but she has the hook ups to all the party's. The only reason I talk to her. She came and sat on the swing next to mine.

"I'm okay. Me and Brad just broke up but it's all good. He was a nobody anyway."

I literally didn't hear anything she said but I just played along.

"Oh really. Wow, that's crazy."

She nodded "Yah I know. What are you doing here?"

"Just relaxing. My moms got on my nerves so I left."

She laughed. "I loved you mom she is so nice. I wish I had a mom like yours. If she only worked then she would be perfect."

That's why I didn't like her. She thought just cause her mom and dad are still together and they have money that she's better than everyone else. If you were that rich you wouldn't still be in the hood. But I blew it off I didn't want a problem. For now.

"Okay Stacy. Where were you headed?"

"Oh yah I was going to buy the new J's. Gotta go before the line get long"

Finally! She got up and sped walked away. I took out my phone and saved Trell's number. I wanted to talk to him.

-Hey. Guess who it is??? :)

I put on some music and started to push myself. After a couple of rounds of swinging I got off cause I started to get dizzy and my hands smelled like metal. I sat on the bench by a tree to keep from the sun.

Trell: hmmm maybe a girl named Natasha

-How did you know it was me.

Trell: Well you are the only person I know that lives out of my state and the area code was hella weird so I put 2 nd 2 together.

-Lol okay. So what's up?

Trell: Nothin. I'm chillen. At the court with my homeboys. Wyd?

-Im at the park.

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