Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Natasha


It's been two days. Our hotel stay is over and Trell hasn't texted me since that break in thing happened. I was beginning to worry not only about him but my brother also. I had to go back with my mom. I don't know what else to do. I packed our few thing and left before the attendance could tell us out stay was over. I took Brian to the park so he could play a little. I monitored his every move making sure he doesn't hurt himself or pop his stitches.

"Naty hi!"

"Hi piglet!" He was up on the playground dinosaur slide. I went in front of it to catch him.

"Yay. That was fun!". He ran around the back and started climbing the stairs back up. He did that for about a half an hour till he got hungry.

"Naty eat eat!" I nodded my head and grabbed his hand. I walked him out the park with no idea where we were headed. The money I used for the hotel was all the money I've ever saved up. Were will we stay and how will we eat? I took out my phone and went through my contacts.

"No. no. no. no. hell no" I shook my head to fight back the tears. I couldn't take him back to her. She would hurt him. I would never put my brother through that. I would rather stay with him on the streets.

"Naty what's a matter?" He squeezed my hand and hugged my legs.

"Something flew in my eye piglet I'm okay." I gave him a fake smile and continued to walk with no destination. After walking a few blocks Brian stops and tugs on my pants.

"We go see granny." He pointed to her house a block away.

I didn't notice that we were walking this way. I would of turned around. I tightened my grip on Brian's hand and headed for my grandmothers house. When we get close to the steps Brian ran to the door bell to ring it. He pressed it about a million times before he stopped and bounced on his toes. He loved his granny. When she answered the door he nearly jumped on her. She was only about 55 so she still had some strength to stand my piglet.

"My big boy Brian how are you." She squeezed his cheeks and returned his hug.

"Great Granny. We sleep at a new house and people gave us waffles and we went to the park. Me and Naty. Oh look my battle scar." He was rambling on lifting up his shirt when he was finished to show her his stitches

"Oh my gosh Natasha what the..." She stopped and looked to the left.

"Come inside." She said through her teeth. Hear we go!

"Natasha what the fuck is this?" She gently lifted Brian's shirt to show his stitches. She was just as protective of Brian as I was except she thought I was the one doing this stuff to him. I looked the other way to prevent myself from spazzing.

"It was Joseph, Ellen. I would never do anything to my brother." Brian put his shirt down and ran to hug me. He knew when I wasn't okay.

"What do you mean Joseph. Your one fast little girl. Don't be bringing no little hoodlum around my grand baby." I calmly turned to her and explained the story the best I could through her interruptions of assumptions.

"So your mom. my daughter shoots up now?" I took Brian into the other room to watch his shows so he wouldn't hear this.

"Yes. I saw her buying the stuff with my own eyes." For the first time in as long as I could remember my grandmother came up and hugged me. Like really hugged me. She pulled away and whipped my cheek. I must have been crying.

"I'm sorry. I've seen the signs with your mother but I chose not to believe it. I blamed you and I'm truly sorry." She looked sincere. I nodded my head and got up.

"Can Brian stay here. He can't be with her she will hurt him."

"Of course. You can to. I wouldn't deny you a place to stay. Your my granddaughter." I smiled. I don't know what I said that made her like this but she was always bitter towards me. Now she's the complete opposite.

"I need to go get him clothes and some food. I will be back. Take care of him." I explained the times he takes his medicine, grabbed a bag and headed out.

"Don't worry. I know how to take care of my children. Be safe." she scooted me out the door, kissed my cheek and closed it. This was going to be tough. Hopefully Joshua and my mother wasn't there so I could just get what I needed and leave. I walked to the park to get some quiet. I needed a minute before I had to face that house and possible my mother again. I sat on a bench in the shade and my phone buzzed signaling I got a text. It was from Trell.

Trell: I know your mad at me. I'm truly sorry but I have a serious question to ask you so please call me. I'm serious.

I smiled. That lightened my mood just a little. I called him and he picked up instantly.

"Natasha thank you. I'm so sorry for not talking to you in days. I'm going through a lot of shit and I couldn't talk to anyone for awhile"

"Are you okay. Wheat happened." I was worried. He sounded tired and angry.

"Yah I'm okay but I can't tell you what happened over the phone. I will tell you in a week"

"A week. What's in a week?"

"I changed my mind I'm coming to see you. I have to get away for awhile. That was the question I had to ask you. Do you want me to come see you?" I stood in shock for a minute. We have only been talking for awhile and he wants to come see me. I shook my head like he could see through the phone.

"Uh For how long?"

"About a week. I will be staying in a hotel so don't worry. I just want to see you and even little silly face."


"The last week of the month before school starts back up. That's about a week away." I looked at the time. 6:54. I had to go. I wanted to sit and talk to Trell all day but I know I can't.

"I don't know Trell. Can I tell you my answer in a couple of days.

"Sure. Tell me in 3 days."

"Okay. Uh I have to go get something. I will call you in a couple of days okay." I smiled and started walking out the park.

"Okay future wife. Please consider me conning."

"I already told you about calling me that but I will." We said goodbye and hung up. I walked the long journey to my mothers house thinking about Trell. I don't know what to do. I got to the door and put my hand on the knob. I prayed to myself that my mother wasn't there. I opened it and was greeted with a strong smell. It stunk. The air was thick and everything was gone or destroyed. I walked around the destroyed couch towards my brothers room. I went in grabbed his stuff and headed towards my room to get me a few things. The smell got stronger the closer I got. I had to cover my I get to the door. As I passed my mothers room I hear a noise. It sounded like her choking. I push open the door and see my mom on her knees in front of a strange man. She looked so small. Her skin darkened and her hair fell out. She must have been that strange smell because she looked awful with the same clothes I saw her with the day I saw her buying the drugs. Joseph was in the corner laughing on a new looking phone with some fresh clothes on. Where did he get that type of money?

"What the hell is going on" the guy pushed my mother to the side and licked his lips looking at me with his pants still down.

"Hey sweetly. You need a fix to?" I ignored him and looked at my mother. How could she do this. She abandoned her daughter for a guy and her son for drugs. What type of mother is she. She stared back at me. There was no emotion in her eyes what so ever. She looked dead and didn't seem to care about how bad she looked right now.

"What are you on Natalie?" I called her by her first name. I had no respect for her anymore. She didn't deserve to be called mom.

"Heroin." She shrugged

"How long?"

She rolled her eyes and sucked her teeth. "Right after Brian was born"

4 yeas she was using for 4 years. I was pissed. I started grinding hard on my teeth trying to prevent myself from hitting her. She looked at the guy

"Can I get my shit now." He looked at her and smiled.

"As soon as that pretty sweetheart comes and finishes what you started." He stepped towards me and grabbed his crotch. My mom crawled towards me and grabbed my pants.

"Baby.." She had a worried look on her face. If she thought I would do this she was sadly mistaken.

"Baby please do mom ya favor. So what this nice guy asks. mommy needs her stuff." She started crying. I hate her so much right now. I kneed her away and kicked the guy in his crotch.

"You are dead to me and Brian. We don't need you." I ran out the house as fast as I could towards my grandmothers house. I couldn't believe what I just saw.


I'm setting a goal. 10 votes and a few comments that's all I need so vote on every chapter so you can read the next update. I haven't been very motivated that's why my updates aren't as frequent. Motivate me.

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Thanks for reading :) Editing!

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