Chapter 28

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Chapter 28: Trell

Fuck out of here. I ain't no sucker. I hop in the car and look at the paper Demonte gave me. It was an address. He was angry but I didn't care. I would have to make it up to Brian somehow. I start the car and speed off. How could I not see this. Cokes fast ass on every thing with a heart beat and a pussy. I shouldn't of been surprised with Natasha but then again I didn't think she was like that. I turn a corner way to fast and almost run into the person crossing that side.


I keep driving. Every light, every turn, every stop I make I can't help to regret talking to Natasha in the first place. I slam my hand on the steering wheel scaring a woman crossing the street. I roll my eyes as she starts flipping me off. When the light turns I press on the gas. Why me. Why am I always the guy who gets fucked over. I can't ever stay in peace. Be fucking happy maybe. When I pull up to the address it was a strip club.

"What!" confused I flip the card over. It read 'enjoy yourself you fucker. Money in the glove we will talk when you get back.' I give a little smirk before reaching for the glove. I get the money and hop out locking the car door behind me.

"Hey sexy." I smile a I pass a stripper with purple and black hair. Her smile and big boobs catch my eye. Well forget the smile them titties! I let her grab my hand and lead me to a seat.

"You look stressed. Can I help with that?" I nod

"Hell yah you can." She starts of slow to up down by t-pain playing in the background.

"You like this?" I nod as I try to stop my hands from going up. She notices and smirks bending over to whisper in my ear.

"I'll make an exception for you handsome. You can touch" Hell yes. My hands instantly go up. A guard comes over but ignores when she gives him a nod. I remember the cash in my pocket and take out a stack and stick it in all the places I want to touch. She smiles as she starts to twerk on me. She signals for another girl to come. This girl was blonde and looked Asian. She has no boobs but for a white girl her ass was !!! I smile at her as they start dancing together. Half way through my third stack they stop.

"I think we should go somewhere private." The blonde one says.

"I agree" they grab each of my hands and lead me to a back room. Stares from other guys and strippers on the pole make me even more happy. Center of attention and I wasn't even legal. Yet. They push me down and the blonde sits on me.

"You look happy now. I saw you walk in." She kisses my neck and explores my body with her hands. The girl with the black and purple hair comes on the other side of me and whispers.

"That girl you feel for is gone. You have us right now." I look at her confused.

"How did you know?"

"Baby, I see that same look everyday. Now sit back, relax and let us do all the work."

I do as she says and they get to work. Another slow song body party by Ciara comes on and the lap dances become more intense. They start grinding on me instead of hovering over. The blonde girl with the big big turned me the most.

"Damn". They both laugh as the song ends and they get up. I look at the time. I was there for three hours. I hand them the rest of the second to last stack.

"Thanks baby boy. If you every want to have a good time, call me."

The blonde girl gives me a stripper card with her number on the back. I smile all the way back to the car. Mind off Natasha I drive happily to a secret house. I walk in after doing the knock and go straight to the weed. I take a bud and crush it before rolling it and lighting it.

"Hey my nigga that's not paid for. You want us to die?" I throw him a 100 and he shuts up.

"Anyone want a hit. I'm happy as hell might as well get high as hell. I pass the blunt around till it gets back to me.

"That's it niggas." They sigh

"Get back to work. I got Demonte number on speed dial" they go to their tables as I smoke the rest of it.

"Damn man." I get up and everything seems so Mello. I smile hard as I walk through the kitchen to the door.

"Trell?" I turn.

"Are you driving? If so you shouldn't. Let me drive." He tries to take my keys but I snatch them back and stroll my high ass to the car. I hop in and look at my phone that I left. Someone was calling me.


"Yah Trell were are you. I was looking every-" click. My phone starts ringing again. I answer.

"What!!?" I say with the nastiest attitude I could do

"Trell this has nothing to do with me. Brian wanted you to blow out the candles with him."

"Whatever to you. Tell Brian my bad."

"My bad?! What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Your a bitch." I hung up. My high was gone and now I was pissed. I start the car and again speed off. I drive ignoring all the honks and screams. Ignoring all the red lights. A loud screech followed by a loud crash fills my ears as pain shoots up my arm and face.

"Ohhh. Shit!" I get pushed back as the air bag pops out the car. I sit for what feels like forever. I couldn't move. Sirens fill the air and loud crunching follows. The door flys off the car and hands pull me out.

"Fuck. Ahh shit" Pain rushed through my whole body as everything goes black.

I hear noises but can't see shit. My eyes are still closed.

"Stay with us sir. Don't close your eyes. Stay conscious." I fight the strong urge I had to fall asleep. I crack my eyes and see two sets of eyes looking back.

"Name sir?"

"Uhh Trevor" I lie. The man writes something down.

"Do you know how old you are?"


"How many fingers am I holding up?"

"3" I try to turn my head but couldn't.

"Don't move Trevor. You have a neck brace on." I sigh and close my eyes. I tap my finger ever so often to insure them that I am up. I tried to move my arms but they were tied down. I think I was in an ambulance. When we come to a stop the gurney gets picked up and I get rolled inside.

"I need. I need to call someone."

"Yes. Call your guardian please. What's the number." I say the first number I remember and they out the phone to my ear as I get dragged along.

"Demonte I'm in the hospital."

"What. Oh my gosh Trells in the hospital! Are you okay?!!!

Shit that was Natasha's number.

A bit late but I was busy.

Trells okay or does he have severe injuries?

Demonte send Trell to a strip club and Trell gets high.

Any thoughts at all?

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