Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Trell


I get up to make me some breakfast. I was dead tired and only slept for a couple of hours. I couldn't stop thinking about what's going to happen once Skit found out who robbed him. I wasn't scared or nothing I just didnt want to be in this shit once the war that was about to happen started. This shit has been going on for to long and i knew Demonte had enough of sharing. I had enough money to get out but I still needed to handle the reason why I got into this shit in the first place.

I go into the kitchen to make me some cereal. One thing I missed about my mother was her cooking. Well that was the only thing. I made my cereal and grabbed my phone. I had like 36 missed calls from Gina. She was an annoying girl I was messing with. She was so damn clingy. I told her we weren't anything to each other but a good time but she thought otherwise. I needed to drop her. I throw my phone on the couch, finished my cereal, took a shower and brushed my teeth. Once I came out I heard my phone ringing. I ran to it thinking it was Natasha and answered


"No nigga this Gina. Who the fuck is Natasha and why yo ass ain't answer my calls. I miss you"

I was fed up with this girl. "Leave me alone. We not chilling anymore. Stop calling my phone. I don't want yo ass anymore!" and with that I hung up the phone. A few minutes later my phone rung again.

"What! I told you to stop calling me!!

"Uh sorry."

It was Natasha. Damn

"No not you I'm sor.." *Click*

"Fuck!" I called her back three times before she answered.

"I said I was sorry why are you calling me!?" She was upset. Time to kiss ass

"Look I'm sorry. I thought it was Gina. Please don't be mad at me."

"Gina. Look if you have a girlfriend, baby mama or anything of the sort I don't want to be talking to you. Even as friends I can't handle jealous ass females."

I laughed.

"What are you laughing for. Look I don't want to tal..."

I cut her off. "I don't have any kids but I do have a girlfriend."

She didn't say anything so after a minute of silence I decided to fill her in.

"You dummy. Your my new girlfriend."

She laughed. Finally.

"I'm not your girlfriend."

"Yah you areeeee"

I could tell she was smiling. "How. I don't even know what you look like."

"FaceTime me."

"Well I don't know."

"Why you have something to hide?"

"No it's just... Fine"

She hung up and I got the call. I was nervous. I laid back on the couch made the ugliest face I possibly could and answered.

"I cant be on for that lon.... What are you doing?" she stared laughing. God she was so beautiful. She had brown hair that was really curly around her perfectly. Shaped face and some dark brown eyes. She looked tired. Her smile was perfect and her skin was a caramel color. You could tell she was mixed. I didn't expect her to be so pretty.

"Hellooooo.... Trell?"

"Oh huh."

"What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing I was just looking at myself in the mirror"

"Conceited" she mumbled and looked away.

"What. I didn't hear you what was that?"

"Nothing." She turned around and smiled. Damn she had dimples too. I must of been staring cause she started waving her hand in front of the camera.

"Yes baby"

"I'm not your baby. Why do you keep blanking out."

"No reason but now you are my baby okay"

She laughed. Damn those dimples again. "Think what you want but I still barely know you"

I smiled and sat up. "What do you want to know?"

"Well for starters why don't you have a shirt on."

"I just got out the shower. Anything else?"

"You next"

I thought for a minute making her wait. I wanted to see how patient she was.

"Hellooo." Not so patient I guess..

"Who is that behind you making faces?"

She turned around and mushed the person behind her.

"That's my brother Brian." The little boy popped back up and smiled then winced. He looked in pain.

"Is he okay?"

"Yah. He's doing better than yesterday. It wasnt as bad as I thought it was. He got a lot of stitches but the glass didn't go that deep. It was just big which made him lose a lot of blood."

I smiled and waved at Brian. "Hey buddy. Your a man now you have battle scars."

He looked down and his face lit up "Really! Naty I have battle scar see it."

I laughed. "How old is he?"

"I'm four"

He put up 2 fingers and I started to laugh. "Like this buddy." I put up 4 fingers and he did the same.

"Four Naty four."

She smiled and so did I. It seemed like she really cared about her little brother. A while later a lady walked in.

"Uh Trell that's the nurse I gotta go."

I waved bye then she smiled and hung up. I snap shot her smiling before she hung up and put it as my screen saver. She was so cute.

I got up and started to get dressed. I was still half naked and needed to meet Demonte in an hour. After I finished I texted him and started driving over there.

-D I'm on my way. I did all you asked now I need that information. We had a deal. I stuck to my end of it now tell me what I need to know so I can finish my business. I told you sooner or later that nigga needs to pay for what he did. It's about that time.


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