Chapter 27

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Chapter 27: Trell

I get up when I hear footsteps and things being moved around. I wipe my eyes and head out the door. People were everywhere with boxes in there hand. I stop one.

"What's all this for?"

"The party sir." She hurries away. I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hop in the shower. After I finish I throw on the clothes I had stashed away and head to the back. I guess I took a long time because people were there. I look around and see Brian. He was smiling hard and running for a giant bounce house. Natasha was right there when I looked back to were he was. I smile. She was here. I finally got to see her. I opened my arms as she walks towards me.

"Babyy you made it out!" Jay walks into me hugging and kissing me. I push her to my side and see Natasha. She looked devastated. Jay pulls me back.

"Trell listen." I see Latoya go next to Natasha. Oh I'm dead.

"Trell listen!!" I look at Jay.

"What?" She rolls her eyes.

"I missed you."

"Why are you acting like this?"

"Because.. She's still looking." Jay skips away and my eyes dart toward Natasha. She was playing some game with Coke. I sit down and think. Why? Why? Why? Why? Why me? I always seem to fuck things up with everyone. My mom, Jay, now Natasha. I sit back and watch her play with Coke. Why were they so close. I wasn't gone for that long. I hope she didn't think I was dead. I had to talk to her. I get up as she waled back.


"What do you want?" I look at coke who was right up on her.

"Give us a minute"

"No. He stays. Jay always seems to be by your side" I sigh.

"Jay is-"

"Your girlfriend" I shake my head.

"Technically. But I haven't seen her for a long time. I didn't know were she was or who she was with. I thought she was dead Natasha." She rolls her eyes. She looked like she was about to cry.

"So how did she not get this idea. Apparently you two are dating and I'm dating coke." My eyes widened.

"Who said that"

"She did. Look Trell-"

"No you look Natasha. I want to be with you and if these couple of months wasn't obvious enough I'm telling you." I look at her with so much intensity. I want her to know I care.

"No Trell. You don't get to say that. I was here for you. Worried, in tears and all then a girl walks in one day saying your her boyfriend. How does a person locked away for years get an idea like that."

"No. look we kissed twice in the cellar. It was out of shock. I didn't know she was alive." A tear fell from her eyes. I felt so horrible.

"Natasha I'm sorry."

"You look Trell. How is a kiss an accident." She turns and kisses coke. My fists clench. I wanted to knock the shit out of him right now.

"That was an accident to I guess then. I'm done Trell." She grabs Cokes hand and walks towards the house. The fuck. I get up and storm to the back.

"Trell.. Trell." I turn and see Latoya following behind me.

"Shit" I speed up.

"I'm not going to kill you Trell. Even though I should." I slow down and wait for her in the porch of the house.

"What Latoya?" She sits and flips her hair out of her face.

"Well first" she says before she smacks me.

"That's for making my Natasha cry" I lick the inside of my cheek still sore from Skit ass.

"Oww." She grins and flips me the finger.

"Second I saw that kiss. That was kind of messed up of her i do have to say. I didn't think she was like that. especially with your best friend." I suck my teeth.

"It wasn't real. She was using him as an example." I force myself to believe what I just said. I look down at my feet then at Latoya.

"Nothings going on between them." She rolls her eyes

"Listen, im a female and i know real kisses from fake ones. I give them." I get up and sigh.

"You think i should go talk to her?" She nods

"Kay but what do i say?"

"The truth. Make her shut up and listen. If whatever you did was truly meaningless then tell her." i look down a me feet. How was i going to do this?

"But Trell." i look up "Do you love Jay?"

"i dont- I dont know." i stay quiet to think then i realize.

"I love Natasha." i cover my mouth. never said that word outloud before. Latoya smiles.

"Then tell her again and again till she hears you out you idiot." I hop up and walk towards the back. Now was finally the time i stand up for myself. Natasha was the only one i needed and jay was just going to have to understand that. I speed walk past the bounce house and bump into Jay.

"Hey Bae." i put my hand up.

"Listen im going to be with Natasha. I liked you Jay. Matter fact i actually loved you." her mouth started to widen. She needed to know.

"But the key word is loved jay. Im sorry but i thought you were dead. Ive been with so many girls after i lost you trying to get over you and honestly Natasha has been the one. Jay im sorry but [please stay away from me and her. Youve caused enough trouble." With that i walked away looking for Natasha.

"Hey have you seen Natasha?" The lady nods and points to the glass door to the house.

"Thanks." I hurry to the door to get struck in the heart. Fuck them both. Heartless Trell is here again. I storm away from the door looking for Demonte.

"Demonte. Send me out on the field. I ain't staying here any longer."

Well well well. What do you think is happening. Its just a tornado of drama.

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