Chapter 36

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Chapter 36: Natasha


My heart was beating a million miles a minute. I took so much for me not to stand up and run to him.

"Trell find an empty seat." He looks around the room and sees me. He smiles and starts walking to the back and sits next to Stacy. Why'd he have to sit there.

"So.. Trell. Where you from?"


"Oh. Your accent is sexy"

"Thank you." I sigh. He smiles at me and winks at Stacy before pulling out a book and his phone. How'd he get it in. Mine buzzes

Trell: Your jealous I have a new fan?

Me: Not at all.

Trell: So don't look so sad

Me: Why are you here?

Trell: To be with you.

Me: Is everything alright

Trell: Of course. Look at the board.

I look up at the teacher starring at me.

"Natasha. That book must be really interesting. Why don't you read out loud"

"I'm fine"

"Well then because her inability to read a beginning of the year project will be assigned." She picks up a box.

"You guys and gals are now teenage parents. You will have to feed, change and clothe this baby. If anything goes wrong I will know."

Everyone starts sighing and moaning.

"As for partners. I choose. Aliyah your paired with Jason and Stacy your with...."

"Please say Trell. Please say Trell." She whispers.

"Robert. Natasha with new boy Trell. Show him around Natasha." I smile and get up to greet him.

"Hello new boy Trell. I'm Natasha." He sticks his hand out.

"I'm Trell. Nice to meet you Natasha." Stacy gets up and stands next to me.

"Hey Trell. Natasha may be your partner but I can show you around the school. There's so many staircases. You might get lost." He smiles.

"No I think Im good."

"Let me know if you change your mind." She gives him a paper and struts out the door.

"Stacy I have not dismissed you yet." The bell them rings.

"Class over go to your next period." I laugh and start heading out the door.

"Wait up." I turn to Trell. I still couldn't believe it.

"So ma. I seen you looking at me the whole period. You want to go out some time?"

"Um no. You see I have a boyfriend. He's way better looking than you." He smiles.

"So I have competition?"

"No. He's way out of your league." He laughs and grabs my hand.

"So what period is next?"

"Lunch." I say

"You guys have lunch so late."

"It's cause there are other schools in this building with their own schedules."

"Well then maybe I should apply to those" I laugh and playfully punch his arm.

"Your already here. I'm not letting you go anywhere." I lead him up the stairs to the lunch room. As we walked hand in hand I notice a lot of people staring at me.

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