Chapter 22

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Chapter 22: Natasha

"Uncle Ceeeee! Ahh Nooooo!" I watch as Coke chases Brian around the huge circular table. It's been about a week and I havnt heard anything about Trell or Monte. I was completely left in the dark. I pick up my phone and try montes number again but still no answer. What the hell!

"What's up Natty?" I look up at a smiling coke and Brian up on his shoulders.

"Nothing you two." I give them a fake smile.

"Go watch some tv in the room for a bit" Coke sets Brian down and Brian takes off for the back. Coke sits next to me

"So what's up? I can tell your pissed. I've been seeing that fake smile of yours every time you lie." I pluck him in the side.

"Oww. Why are you so abusive. I'm not getting paid to get beaten." I laugh.

"There's the real smile. but fo' real what's up are you wanting anything. I can make a store run." I shake my head and lay on his shoulder.

"I miss Trell. We just gotten to meet and now he's gone." I pull at the necklace that never left my neck. "I want to find him. No one else seems to be doing anything. It's been about a week. I call Monte everyday but he never answers. Neither does Latoya. What if something bad happens to him. I'm just sitting here on my ass waiting. I can't take it. I'm tired of seeing these same walls everyday 24/7." coke gets up and pulls out his phone

"I can get them painted for you if you'd like. Pink, blue, rainbow unicorns themed if you really want." I flip him the finger.

"Really!" I say getting up "What can I do?" Coke takes my hand and puts it on my face.

"You feel that?"

"Feel what?"



"You are feeling the one thing keeping Trell alive. If they get you Trell dies. Demonte called me the other day. Said skit left a message saying that Demonte would loose a valuable allay and something that means the world to him if he doesn't hand himself over. The allay is Trell and your the only person Demonte has any type of feeling for. You can't die. You can't be caught Natasha. How many times does this have to be explained to you. And even if you do go out your to scared to pull the trigger with no remorse or regret. You need a cold heart to do the shit your begging to do." I shake my head.

"It only had to be explained to me once but your wrong. I will be able to handle myself." Coke pulled out a gun and unlocked it handing it to me.

"Shoot that bear." I hold the gun pointed were coke left my hand.

"Do it Natasha!" my hand starts to sweat and shake. I've never held a gun before. Coke stares at me for a minute and snatches the gun from me putting two bullets into the bear.

"You can't live the life I live Natasha. Stop trying. Let everyone do what there being paid to do and wait patiently." Brian comes running into the room crying. He ran straight to coke.

"What that!! I'm scared!!" he grabbed on his pants leg. Coke looks up at me then at Brian.

"It's okay. Want to get something to eat?" Brian starts jumping up and down.

"Is it okay with you if I take him out. We will be back before dark." I nod and leave then two behind. I head to the back with the pool sat on a chair. I leaned back and put the pillow over my face to block the sun. Maybe Cokes right. I'm not cut out for this. My phone rings and I pick it up not caring who it was.

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