Chapter 37

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Chapter 37: Trell


"Damn" I say sitting listening to the teacher rant. She was annoying. I look around and see all the girl looking at me. I smile at one of them and she turns and giggles to her friend.

"Nothing. My god get off my back"

I chuckle. Girls always try to act tougher. It gets annoying sometimes but she didn't seem like the type so it was funny.

"Well change your seat if you can't stay quiet next to the person your with change your seat." She gets up and sits in front of me. The teacher continues to talk and I get more and more bored. My next mission is to see if I can change all my classes to Natasha's. A piece of paper flies onto my desk.

'Why were you laughing at me?' Her handwriting was cute. I grab her pen from her and write back

'Cause your funny' I pass it back along with the pen. She giggled, wrote on the paper then handed it back.

'Well your cute' I tried to hold back a laugh. She was way younger than me. I raise my hand.

"Yes uh." he looks at his clip board.

"Trell correct" I nod

"May I go to the bathroom?" His eyes widened a little.

"How polite. Yes you may." I get up and walk out the door then realize I have no idea where the bathroom is. I go back in the class.

"Uh sir"


"Where is the bathroom exactly?" the class starts to laugh. He sighs with a slight smile.

"Quan, take Trell to the restroom." The girl I was talking to gets up

"I'll take him." The teacher rubs his temples.

"Go on. And come right back" she smiles and quick walks to the door.

"So the bathroom is around this way. She grabs my hand but I let go.

"Where is the uh dance room?" she looked surprised.

"Downstairs. Why do you ask." I smile

"I love to dance. Can you take me there" she nods.

"Sure but will you be able to get yourself back right."

"Yea. I'll manage." She opens the nearest door to us and it was a staircase.

"After you." I walk through her and down the stairs.

"What floor?"

"Keep going" I keep walking until I couldn't anymore. The sign said basement.

"The dance room is in the basement?"

"Of course. Wasn't yours?"

"We didn't have dance let alone a dance room."

"Oh that sucks. Well because to dance you need music they put it where the music wouldn't bother a regular class. Plus the gyms and pools are down here and those are used by all the schools." I nod. GymS, poolS. My school had one gym no pool. I throw the though away and smile.


"Got to go. Class is almost over"

"Kay. Bye"

"See you tomorrow" She smiles and waves before going through the door to the staircase. I peer through the door window and scope out Natasha. Her and another girl were dancing to loyal. They were really good. The bell rings and I back away from the door. A couple girls walked out smiling at me. I smiled back. Nothing wrong with being polite. When she finally walks out my smile grows. I starts clapping.

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