Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Natasha


"Natasha!!! Natasha!!!!!"

I get up aggravated and look at the time. It was 5:48 in the morning. What the hell was going on. I got out of bed to go to my mother and I hear glass shattering

"Natasha. Call 911. Hurry!"

I run to the living room and see Joseph on top on my mom hitting her. I instantly run up to him to get him off

"Get the fuck off of me you stupid ass bitch."

He pushed me into the wall and continued hitting on my mother.

"Mom I'm calling for help"

I run back into my room, grab my phone and dial 911

"911, what is your emergency?"

"My moms boyfriend is beating on her. Please send a cop or something over. NOW!"

I gave them the address and ran back into the living room.

"No Brian stay aw..."

Joseph pushed my brother into the broken glass table.


I run over to him and pick him up.

"It's okay. Your okay"

I felt something warm on my hands and knew it was blood.

"Look what the fuck you did!"

I run out the house holding my little brother in my arms.

"Your going to be okay. I promise"

I keep running to the hospital holding the place were the blood felt like it was coming out of. He was loosing a lot of it. I bust up into the ER and start screaming.

"Help! Help!! My brother needs help, someone please."

A nurse came up to me and lead me and my brother to a open gurney.

"What's his name and how old is he?"

The nurse started rushing him down the halls.

"He's 4. Brian's 4. Is he going to be okay?"

"We're going to do the best we can. Your going to have to wait here."

"What! No that's my brother. He stays with me!!"

The nurse hands him over to some doctors and stays to hold me back. I kept trying to push her out of the way but she was strong.

"Your going to get in the way. Now we will do the best we can with your brother but your going to have to sit and calm down."

I relaxed and went over to the waiting area. My legs and hands were shaking. I hope he was okay.

After about 2hours the nurse came back.

"He is going to be okay, but he lost a lot of blood are you his same blood type?"

I nodded my head. I made sure I knew everything about my brother. I had to keep him safe.

"Yah I am. Take all the blood you need. He needs to be okay!"

She nods and leads me to the back.

"Any resent tattoos, sex, un-sterilized piercings, STD's. anything like that?"

I shook my head. She then took the needle and stuck it in my arm. They took a lot of blood. When she was done I was dizzy, tired and my head was spinning but I knew my brother would be okay. I tried to get up but fell.

"Wow uh."

"Natassssa" I tried to get back up but couldn't.

"Natasha. Just relax. Your brother is fine. He is in his room resting and should make a good recovery."

I smiled. He was going to be okay. The doctor helped me up to a bed and I layed down. About 5 hours later I was feeling better. I wanted to see my brother. I looked at my phone. 3 missed calls and a message. The calls were from my mother. I called it back.

"Mom are you okay?"

"Yah. Were is my son?"

"WE'RE at the hospital. Joshua pushed him into glass while he was hitting you."

"What!! I'm on my way. Finally you did something fucking good for a change"

She hung up. I check the message. It was from Trell. My mood got better seeing it was from him.

Trell: Heyy Natasha. Wassup!!?

I smiled. He sent that while I was sleep after giving blood.

-Hii. I'm okay.

Trell: you know I sent that hours ago -__-

-Yah. I have a lot going on right now.

Trell: Oh to much to reply to your crush. Okay. I see how it is :(

-Crush!!?? It's not like that. My brothers in the hospital.

Trell: Oh my god I'm soo sorry. Is he okay?

-Yah. I just gave him like 3 pints if blood. He should be fine.

Trell: Are you okay??!? What happened?

-Im fine. Why are you so concern?

Trell: Dunno. Sorry for asking.

-No. It's okay. My mom and step father got into it and he pushed my brother into a broken table.

Trell: The fuck! I would put a cap in that nigga ass for you if I was there. I'm sorry.

-You own a gun?

Trell: No. I'm just saying. He shouldn't of did that.

"Were is my fucking son!! His name is Brian. Bring me to him now!"

I hear my mother in the waiting area screaming. The nurses bring her to me.

"He is not in stable condition. You have to wait." The nurse tried to explain everything to my mom but she just continued screaming.

"Wait my ass! That his my son. He came out of my fucking pussy! I want to see him!"

"Mom. Just calm down were is Joseph?". I tried to get up but she just smacked me back down.

"Bitch this is your fault. Your the reason he is in here and Joseph is in jail."

She got in top of me and started choking me. The nurse called security and they pulled her off.

"This isn't over." She stormed out. I don't know we're she went but I'm staying to be here when my brother wakes up.

"Miss are you okay"

I nod my head and lay back down. How am I so normal with a crazy ass mother?

Trell: Is everything alright?

-Oh. Yah I was talking to the doctor about Brian. He's going to be alright.

Trell: Awesome. Glad to hear it.

-Well Trell I'm going to take a nap cause I'm tired.

Trell: Okay. Dream about your crush. Me incase you might have forgotten

-I don't have a crush on you. Get over yourself

Trell: Whatever helps you sleep at night girl ;)

I put my phone down and closed my eyes. I hope when I wake up I get to see my brother. He didn't deserve any of this.


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