Chapter 29

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Chapter 29: Natasha

I step back and sit on the couch away from Coke. I touch my lip and stare at him. He kissed me.

"You kissed me" I had pushed him away after I realized it was actually happening.

"I'm with, I was with Trell. Until he pissed me off." I say the last bit under my breath.

"But that doesn't matter. Coke, you like me?" He stares at me and shakes his head.

"I uh, I just wanted to see what you would do. I'm sorry" he gets up and walks to the back.

"Coke. Coke!!" He keeps walking.


"Wow what?" I look up at Monte standing in the door way

"Uhm. Nothing." He walks over and sits next to me.

"Natasha. I may not have been with you for awhile but I know you. What's wrong" I put my head down in my hands.

"I'm just confused"

"About Trell?" I look up " is that why he stormed out of here all angry. I knew you guys weren't talking so I sent him to a happy place" I look at him confused.

"What" the outside door flies open.

"Naty cake time now please" I get up and give Demonte the we will talk later look.

"okay piglet. Cake time"

I step outside with my brother.

"Cake time. Everybody together." Within seconds The whole crowd of people I didn't know gathered around the huge 5 layer cake. I pick up Brian and hold him on the stool.

"Say cheese" Monte takes a couple of pictures of us. I step away and go around the table. I pull out my phone and steady Brian by the cake to take pictures. I light the candles and start the video.

"1, 2, 3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU." We sing the song and all clap as Brian blows out the candles.

" yay Brian my big piglet now" he smiles hard and claps his tiny hands. I take some cake and smash it on his face.

"Nooo Naty noo" He tries to wipe it off of his face but it just gets smudged everywhere. I laugh and smile, snapping as many pics as I can or him. I get behind Brian and help him cut his slice of cake.

"How big Brian?" He cuts a huge piece and all I can do Is laugh harder.

"You going to eat all of that?" He nods and runs away to the empty table with his cake. I start cutting and placing decent size prices of cake for everyone until a caterer came and took over. I got myself a slice and walk over to my brother.

"How are you Brian. Having fun?" he nods with a mouth full of cake. He looked so cute. I took another picture. He stops eating and smiles with his colorful teeth.

"Haha Brian. Rainbow mouth." I snapped a couple more pics before finishing off my cake. I are starring at my brother the whole time he ate. He was getting big. Growing to fast. He finished his huge piece of cake and got up. He ran straight to his presents.

"Naty presents now. Pleaseeeee!" I laugh and nod. I sit him down with a present in front of him. All the people started flooding over. I Record him as he opens his first present. It was a gift card to Macy's.

"Naty what's this." We all laugh.

"It's a gift card Brian." He stares at it.

"Oh uh Naty. What's a gift card." I smile

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