Ch. 6 - Letters, Letters, Letters

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Right, so I am a strong believer that Sirius' last words were "Good one, James." even though it was, "Come on, you can do it better than that."  I think that the former is much sadder and much better, so all those strict fangirls/fanboys/fanpeeps, deeeeaaalll wiiithhh iiittt.

The next couple of days were followed by letters, followed by letters, followed by even more letters, usually multiple in one day and I never had time to respond to them, thanks to my bundle of joy called Snowy. Jenny was sending me mail, paired with James, Otto and even a last letter from Sirius, though I had not opened it as of yet. Shade complained it was not good for my health to be stressed over a latter, and that Snowy might suffer because of it. I have him a sharp bite for that and he slept outside that night. Men.

I leaned up against Shade in human form the next night while he was asleep, and Snowy was sleeping, to open my continuous letters.


I'm at The Burrow. Harry and Hermione are here too. Harry was saying something about somebody called Horace Slughorn. I'll send details later. We're staying here until September, when school starts.


I opened the next one, pausing when Snowy gave a small mewl in her slumber. I kissed her head and stroked her fluffy paws, Nova coming into mind. I sighed, thinking about her relationship with Hawthorne. Perhaps they had made up before, and Hawthorne had... I shook my head, it was none of my business.


C wut I did ther? Jen pocked me so it hert, okey, I shut up nao.

Luny Lupin seys hallo, but - hehe, butt - Lupin pocked me too so I tink I'm dun. Iz my spellng gettn butter?

Jamz. Woof.

P.Z - Shade tink you saxy.

I held in my laughter by cupping a hand over my mouth, but my body, wracked with humour, woke up Snowy. She sniffled and cried out for me, even though she was sitting on me. I put James' letter down and lifted her up my chest, rocking my daughter slowly to calm her. "Shh, I'm sorry honey, go back to sleep." I whispered, patting her back soothingly. Snowy soon fell deep asleep again and I placed her between Shade's paws for warmth and comfort.


I have a feeling James sent a letter to you, and this is a warning that his spelling, punctuation, handwriting, spacing, jokes are really bad, so I'll poke him for you. (I think he's learning, though).


I chuckled. "Too late." I muttered to myself in amusement.


Horace Slughorn used to work at Hogwarts. He taught Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Regulus Black, Sirius Black, James Potter, Lily Potter (well, she was Evans back then) and probably a Claw too. I'll have to ask him when he gets to Hogwarts I suppose. Harry and Dumbledore went to his house, actually a Muggle's house, since he's moving every week, and there was a really big mess or something, and dragon blood on the walls, I think. Harry convinced Horace to come back to Hogwarts to teach, I think it's Potions or something, Harry isn't sure. Don't think he was told, either that or he doesn't remember.

Slughorn always had a list of favourites, and he's got connections everywhere. He's like wizard mafia or something. I'm not sure I like the sound of this guy, but I suppose we'll have to wait and see. Never judge a teacher by his standards, I guess. Yeah, I'm talking Gringots, Wizard Tournaments, Black Market, Muggle Black Market, Illegal Animals, Ministry of Magic - almost all the departments - Hogwarts, Durmstrang, all of the other schools and things. Even Scrimgeour himself, the Minister. This guy is hardcore, Shadow, I think it's best to keep to his good side. Even get on in the inside. Dumbledore said, and I quote from Harry, that Horace never wanted the throne, he prefers the back seat because there was more room to spread out. Do you think he has Claw connections?

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