Ch. 8 - Uninvited, Unwanted

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Jenny's POV

I cried out as I dropped a vase full of flowers, my hands shaking. Molly Weasley bustled over, looking quite sympathetic, and began picking up the pieces. She said something softly to me, but I was so busy staring back at the gazes of everybody in the room that I couldn't hear anything but a ringing in my ears - Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Bill Weasley, Fleur Delacour and Arthur Weasley. I snapped out of it quickly and dragged my sights from them all, murmuring something about going outside for fresh air, before I escaped the stuffy atmosphere, bursting into the fields of gold. I had been preparing for Harry's birthday with Mrs Weasley, also waiting for everybody else to arrive like Tonks and Lupin.

Air closed around me, cool and inviting. A wind whipped at my hair and I sighed, breathing deeply. I could only take so much before I cracked wide, ripped open, tore at the seams, broke down. Things were getting heavy, but heavy was the cost of the actions all of us hand taken... but why had I taken on so much weight? So much blame? So much blame. It wasn't my fault-


I froze. Molly wasn't expecting anybody, and I certainly wasn't either. The Apparation came from a small ways away, in a slightly clearing of flattened wheat, so naturally, I felt curious.  I knew Shadow wouldn't approve, and James- well, who knew about James. Anyway, I crept forwards and parted the long golden strands, peeking into the unknown.

I gasped. There, in all his- no, he wasn't glorious - was Draco Malfoy. He gazed up from between his platinum hair fringe and smiled faintly at me, "Hey." He murmured.

I pointed at him furiously, my face contorting with anger. "You!" I snarled, stomping up to him clumsily, prodding his chest harshly. "How dare you show your face here!" His face dropped, and he put his hands up in surrender, "Jenny, please, you have to listen to me-"

"NO! I won't listen to you! You- you- you stupid boy! I will never let myself fall for you again!" I hissed, but my eyes widened when his lip curled, his eyes flashing dangerously, "You believed that letter?!" He shouted, grabbing me by my shoulders. I shoved him away, not listening to his words, but instead completely turning away. "I hate you!" I screamed, flooding my eyes with tears. "Fight me!" I yelled as I banged on his chest with my fists weakly.

We stepped away from each other, "I never want to see you again!" I didn't care that my voice was breaking, or that I had fallen to my knees in a marshy puddle.

Draco gave me a disgusted look, as if I were back to being that simple girl that he never talked to. "Have it your way. Don't listen. That's fine by me." He spat, before Apparating away. I wouldn't admit it, but I crawled up to the spot where he had been and curled into myself, crying away my demons and insecurities.

Shadow's POV

I gave a last flap of my wings, before landing carefully beside The Burrow, the morning sun showing its first rays. Snowy slept soundly in my side pouch that was strapped to my pelt securely, and she looked beautiful as ever. I yawned widely, stretching out and baring my teeth at a passing mouse, which I snatched up and ate, bones and all. Delicious. I had left early in the morning, before Shade had woken, so that he wouldn't be able to convince me to stay longer, resulting in procrastination. Not good.

There was a click in the door of The Burrow and three wands pointed at me from the side. I shook out my fur gently, so as to now wake Snowy, and stared at the three wand with curiosity. I remembered Jenny mentioned something about extra-security by the Ministry, just in case, so I didn't question it. There was a voice that spoke, that sounded suspiciously like Lupin, "Shadow Claw wrote a book about Claws. What is it called?"

I chuckled, my eyes glistening with amusement, "Perks of Being a Shadow Claw." I replied. There was a whisper, but the door didn't open, and I narrowed my eyes. "Too easy a question, I agree, she could have the book." Somebody muttered. Lupin spoke again, "Sirius gave Shadow Claw a bath when she was a kitten, and there was a light grey towel. What animal did it have on it, and where?"

My ears lowered at the memory, and I almost lost my nerve. "A small red Chinese dragon on the top right corner."

The door opened, and I let myself breathe. Snowy wriggled around slightly in the pouch and started to call out. Lupin, Tonks and Bill were on alert in a second. I growled at them, "It's just Snowy." I told them, but they did not look convinced. "She's my daughter!" I explained, and that made the two men look very uncomfortable. Tonks' face lit up, "Show me!" She smiled warmly, but I shook my head, "Let me get inside first, Tonks. She'll get cold." I padded inside slowly, brushing against Molly Weasley with a purr. "Oh, hello dear. You look- oh! This must be little Snowy! Oh, Shadow, can I hold her?" She asked with wide, happy eyes.

I nodded, "Of course, Mrs Weasley." I shifted, my pouch falling over my shoulder. Snowy sniffled, her head poking out, "Mummy, where are we? Where's daddy? Where's Aunty Nova?" She wailed slightly, then looked quite confused as Molly lifted her from the cosy satchel. Her paws wiggled around for something to hand onto, and latched onto Molly's knitted shawl around her shoulders. Arthur Weasley came up, "Hello there- oh well, look at this little one. Very cute indeed." He chuckled, watching his wife stroke her and ease her struggles. "Awh, she's just so adorable, Shadow. Congratulations!" She handed my daughter back to me and I laughed, "Thanks. Tonks, you wanted to meet Snowy?" It was more a question.

Tonks nodded, beaming at the little bundle.

By the time everybody had come downstairs, Snowy had been passed around like a pass-the-parcel. I chuckled at her widely curious face, though she reached over to Bill because she liked his tooth earring. I took the bottle of milk out of my satchel pocket and began to feed my baby, cuddling her and letting her finish the warm bottle. Molly had warmed it up for her, and I had been very grateful for it.

"How old is she, Shadow?" Lupin asked, since he was sitting nearest me, with my mischievous kitten on his lap, prodding at his patched clothes and placing her paws on his face. I laughed, removing her paws from his face, though she whined and did it again. "Well, she's actually only about a month old." I said, and he raised his eyebrows, "Claws grow very fast, I see. In intelligence more, perhaps." He smiled at Snowy and she squealed back, nipping his nose.

I nodded, but took Snowy back, "I told you, no biting, didn't I?" I told her sternly. She lowered her ears and swayed her head, "Ya huh." There was a little round of 'awh' from the girls in the room, and I chuckled. Snowy took that as a sign that she wasn't going to be scolded and giggled, purring happily. Molly Weasley then came in, with a birthday cake for Harry, "Happy birthday Harry!" She smiled widely.

I frowned slightly as the celebrations came forth, scanning the room.

Where was Jenny?

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