Ch. 9 - Disturbance In Diagon Alley

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It was a damp, misty day. The atmosphere is calmed, but there's an air of disturbance around. It puts me off, and with the fog, I cannot return to Shade without risking getting lost, so I had agreed to let Mrs Weasley take me and Snowy to Diagon Alley for supplies. Of course, I had my own money, and quite alot of it in fact, since I never really had to use it.

Jenny had received a harsh scolding when she'd returned the night before, from all of us. Snowy had even given her a little nibble on the finger, though I had apologized for that, because her teeth were actually quite sharp. I had slept on the highest stairway platform, with Snowy tucked into my paws comfortably. I dreaded the sight of Diagon Alley the next morning, for there had been murders and disappearances, buildings blown, destroyed. Of course, though, Fred and George's Weasley's Wizard Wheezes was doing fantastically.


The whole alley was barren. Dark colours, shattered glass, dodgy dealers all around the edges. It was like the aftermath of an apocalypse - I supposed that's what it was. An apocalypse of death.

The Leaky Cauldron was empty for the first time in all the days that it had seen. Hagrid had arrived with us too, though, and so we needn't worry, apparently. Mr Weasley, Mrs Weasley and Ginny headed off to Flourish and Blotts, while Hermione, Harry, Ron, Harry, Hagrid and I went to Madam Malkin's. As soon as we all walked in, I clutched my baby daughter to my chest tightly. There was a sense of danger in here.

A teenage boy with a pale, pointed face and platinum hair appeared from behind a rack wearing Slytherin green robes that glittered with pins around the hem and the edges of the sleeves. He strode in front of a mirror, checking himself out before he noticed us all, standing there with dark expressions.

"If you're wondering what the smell is, Mother, a Mudblood just walked in." Draco Malfoy sneered, turning his face up at Jenny, though his words were meant for Hermione. Jenny pushed past us all, "I'll go with Ginny." She whispered hoarsely, practically sprinting down the alley to Flourish and Blotts.

I was too distracted by the safety of my Snowy that I hadn't noticed Draco and Narcissa had left soon after a tense conversation and the others were getting their robes fitted. I reluctantly let Jenny hold Snowy while Madam Malkin fussed over my robes. "More Slytherin's than you can wave a wand at..." She grumbled as she worked. I rolled my eyes, but focused on my daughter intensely.

As soon as I had bought my new robes, I took Snowy and kissed her furry head. "Mummy, I'm cold." She mumbled, burying her head in my neck. Hermione took out her wand, did a complicated little wave and a hot stream of air circled around Snowy. I smiled, but before I could thank her, Snowy cut in, "Tank you, Humonee." She giggled. Hermione gave her a little stroke, "No worries."

I sighed, "Shade would be good right about now." I patted Snowy's back and she wriggled about a little bit, flicking her tail.

When we finished at the apothecary, in which I bought numerous potions ingredients, and Eeylops Owl Emporium, in which I bought a few owl treats just in case, we made our way to Fred and George's shop. And well, let me tell you now, I was not disappointed by the extent of their success. It was beyond anything I'd imagined.

The windows were displaying bright colours of every shade, shelves full of assortments and varieties of products, popping, bouncing and shrieking. There was a poster that the others were looking intently at, but I was mystified by the actual shop itself. There was something strange about the smell, though, but I couldn't put my finger on it, over all the other scents of people and love potions.

I made my way through the shop, glancing around. I had Snowy clutched tightly against me still, but she only seemed curious as to what was happening around her. There was a magical bubble machine and she batted at it with her paw, squealing happily. I smiled faintly, then when George and Fred saw me, they waved and I leapt up a set of stairs to talk to them. "This is really fantastic. I'll bet you're glad Harry gave you that money now." I smirked, and they rubbed their necks. Millie was standing behind George slightly, giggling.

"Who's this, then?" Fred chuckled, looking at little Snowy. I turned my daughter around, and she had a big bubble between her paws. It popped and she looked considerably surprised. "Snowy, this is Fred and George. Fred and George, this is Snowy, my daughter." They looked interested by my baby.

"Lovely to meet you-"

"Ooh, little biter isn't she-"

I gave Snowy a tap on the head, "I told you, no biting." The twins chuckled, "Come on, Athea and Harry are upstairs." I followed them up, into a less noisy part of the shop. "Help yourself to something, and little biter here. No charge." They winked, and then disappeared somewhere, calling to me that James was around here somewhere too.

Harry was looking at Instant Darkness Powder, while Nova yanked on my arm to pull me into a private place. She looked panicked, "Nova, I didn't expect to see you-"

"Shut up! God, Shadow, just listen!" I shut up instantly. Must have been the mother-emotions going through her nerves, "Salem's here!"

I frowned, freezing over. "Salem's in the pack prisons." She shook her head, "He was. He got out, and now he's looking for me. Hawthorne didn't want to let me go to school on my own, so Shade volunteered the warriors to guard Hogwarts this year." My face dropped, "He didn't." She nodded, "Of, but he did. He sure did, and now we've got a killer Stone Claw on the loose."

I swore, "I'll go find Fred and George. We need a distraction here. Stay among the crowd." I disappeared off with Snowy struggling on my shoulder to get another bubble. I found Fred and George by the Witch products with Ginny, Ron and Mrs Weasley. I pulled the twins off the side, and they gave me a curious look, "Fred, George, there's another Claw on the loose in your shop-"

"Shady guy, right?" George questioned.

"Yeah, we saw him. He's near the Instant Darkness Powder right now, I think." Fred muttered.

I swore again, but quieter, since Mrs Weasley was nearby. "He's part of You-Know-Who's army! He's a Stone Claw, called Salem. You have to get him out of here - he's looking for Nova!" They nodded and zipped away, holding a couple things I supposed were distraction-making items.

I felt Nova at my side once more and glanced at her. Hermione, Harry, Jenny, James and Ron yanked both of us out of the shop. "Malfoy's getting away!" Harry hissed. Jenny squeaked, "Shadow, where's Snowy?!"

I made a noise of panic, dashing back into the crowded shop. I called out for my daughter, but time froze when I saw a dark figure move at the back of thee shop, Snowy in his arms, though she was struggling and seemingly fighting for her life. They disappeared and I snarled under my breath, fighting my way through the masses of people and after Salem.

"Fred! George! Salem's getting away! He's got Snowy!" The two twins dashed after me, and I smacked into a corner as I sprinted after Salem and Snowy, out of the back entrance and around the alley's. Salem was running. He knew I was chasing.

He turned a corner and I lost him for a moment. There was a sharp CRACK, and I felt myself stop at the turning. Fred and George paused behind me.

Salem was slumped against the sidewall, and there, holding my daughter and comforting her was Millie.

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