Ch. 2 - Draco's Letter

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"Shade- no, ooh! No- stop, wh- oh, Shade!" I moaned out a little bit as Shade preened my fur and slid ontop of me, nuzzling my belly and trying to coax me into sleeping with him. I flopped to my side and snapped at his muzzle, "Go away, Snowy's sleeping." I scolded, flicking him with my tail and battering him with my wings. He huffed, stalking around me to give my cheek a lick and then prowling out the cave, probably to hunt, but I was glad to see him doing something other than fretting over my welfare.

I purred in amusement, getting up carefully and padding over to my sleeping daughter. She was such a tiny, vulnerable kitten, and I felt more protective over her than I'd even felt about Shade. I slipped my body around her in the nest of moss and thick, warm leaves, though Snowy stirred, so I slowed my movements.

Unfortunately, she awoke and began crying out. I sighed and ushered her up to my belly, "There, there, little one. Calm down." I soothed, trying to get her to drink her milk. She latched after about fifteen minutes, suckling slowly.

"Shadow?" I made a little growling noise, but accepted Shade's return, "Come in." I granted him permission. Since Snowy had been born, I was in the cave with her more often than not, and it had become my safe place; my nest, my reprieve. Shade would have to ask my permission to come inside, or I felt it was a threat to my kitten. Any other person, would have to stay outside until even Shade granted them access.

Shade appeared with a fat rabbit in his jaws, a small worry crease on his muzzle. He warily approached Snowy after dropping his kill and sniffed her, giving her a little lick and checking she was okay. "Is she suckling properly?" He asked softly, cleaning the blood off his fur. I nodded with a yawn, "She takes a while if she's woken up, but she takes to it fine." I said, feeling a cool breeze sweep through the cave. I rested my wing over Snowy, for warmth, and she made a little mewling noise in gratitude. I purred deeply, giving a little bit of matted fur a good, hard lick.

"You hungry?" Shade murmured, dragging the rabbit over and settling down in front of me, like a shield from the outside world, despite the vines that hung over the cave entrance. I nodded once more, resting my head on his paws and opening my mouth slightly. He tore off a chunk of rabbit and nibbled it, checking for anything bad. He hummed in approval and fed me, making sure I had my sure fill before he finished it.

There was a knock on the rock beside out cave and Shade growled, but I scented Jenny and gave him a soothing nuzzle. "Come in, Jenny." Shade grumbled, preening my neck fur with a gentle rhythm. I saw Jenny enter and sighed, giving Shade's cheek another lick, "Go and hunt. You barely hunted anything. Jenny's safe. Go on." I nudged him, and he growled, "Alright. I'll be back soon." He told me and darted away to hunt for himself.

"Hey." Jenny sat beside me, and I gave her a brief glimpse of Snowy, who was still suckling. "So, um, I'll get straight to it, but, oh my god, Shadow! Draco sent me a letter!" She squealed and I laughed, "Calm yourself, woman, and open it." I nuzzled the white, formal envelope in her hand. She bounced a little bit, before calming down altogether, "What do you think it is, first?" She asked, curious.

I shrugged lightly, "Perhaps he misses you? I'm not quite sure. If it's as formal as it looks, and I'm assuming Lucius doesn't know about your relationship, no didn't think so, then perhaps Draco had to lie his way out of it, or Lucius is a very nosy man and has tried to interfere with your love." I said matter-of-factly. At that moment, a lesser-spotted James - baby Grim - snuck into the cave and sat on Jenny's lap, his tongue lolling out.

"Always bursting my bubble." She puffed, and then giggled as she opened it, completely ignoring the James that had sat on her. I rolled my eyes, but as I watched her unfold the paper, and scan over it briefly, her face dropped and tears pooled in her eyes. My teeth bared, I growled out, "What does he have to say for himself?" I kept it low, just in case I scared my - still suckling - daughter. James made a face too, and whined softly in sympathy.

Jenny cleared her throat with a small hiccup, and read it aloud;

"Dear Jenny,

I knew we would never work out, so I am writing this letter, not to apologize, but to blame you for everything that has gone wrong. It was always your fault, and I assure you, it would not have been if your mangy dog of a friend hadn't messed up our date, or that stupid feline's mate making me look bad in front of everybody.

You ruined us, and I won't get hung up on you. I won't come crawling back, no, you'll be the one crawling, and I shall turn you away like I do to every girl that I saw behind your back while we were together.

You disgust me. A Slytherin? No. You don't even deserve Hufflepuff. Of course, I should know, because I know everything.

I know that you write a diary. I know everything now.

So, Shadow's bisexual, is she?

James really is a werewolf?

Shadow cuts herself when she's down?

This is very interesting, Jenny, and so, if you ever mention any of our 'relationship' to anybody, ever, I might just have to let some of it slip. I wouldn't admit it, but you're a smart girl, so I suggest you keep your goody-two-shoes mouth shut and if you do happen to blab, I'll know.


Draco Malfoy.

P.S If you're to blonde to understand: we're over."

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