Ch. 14 - The "Chosen" One

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"So what's with all these girls swooning over Harry?" I raised an eyebrow as Harry and Neville passed but I still looked to Jenny for an answer. Her lip curled in distaste, and she hissed out her words. "I bet he loves all that attention. The little shit knows that he deserves it too."

I crossed my arms, deciding to change the subject. "How's James coping without Sirius?" She flinched visibly at the name. I supposed it still hurt - I had got over it because it was the only way for me to move on.

"Not too badly. The nightmares are bad though- yeah, they're worse tgan ever. He sleeps when he can, and it seems to help." She said as if she knew how it felt. Perhaps she did - I wouldn't know.

I nodded grimly, glimpsing someone standing outside the compartment. I gestured them inside to reveal that it was a young Hufflepuff. "Yes?" I muttered darkly from my seat. James twitched but did not awake, instead he started snoring lightly.

"U-um... there's a message from N-Nova. She says she's in p-pain. And Malfoy s-says that he wants to see Jenny when w-we stop." She seemed afraid, and I didn't understand why. I stood, checking this girl over with narrowed eyes. There was a large bruise above her hip and across her ribs. My face transformed into a snarl, "That son of a bitch! Get back to your friends, little one." She didn't correct me with her name, and instead scampered off to her carriage.

Jenny followed me down the corridors, her fists at her side, ready to punch Draco right in his stupid face. We reached the Slytherin carriage within seconds, and in another few, Draco's nose was pouring blood all over Pansy Parkinson - which was a bonus to Jenny, since they hated each other's guts.

I stalked past the whole lot to see to Nova, who was shifting uncomfortably in her space. I kneeled at her side, feeling around her belly to check for anything at all. I felt a little kick at my hand and chuckled, "They're excited." I told her, reaching into my satchel to pull out a strong form of neproxin. She purred warmly, accepting the pain killer gratefully. "Thanks, Shadow. I don't know where I'd be without you." She murmured.

"Dead, probably. Shade would have killed you on sight." I wasn't in the mood for jokes and compliments, but I sympathized with her for dealing with me so patiently. "Call again if you need me. Try to get some sleep." I patted her back before returning to the carriage.

Jenny was still yelling at Draco, who was stood up now with no trace of blood anywhere, except for a splatter on Pansy's cheek that nobody had pointed out. Probably wouldn't ever tell her, really.

"That's quite enough, Jenny, I do believe. Come, come, I suspect he's deserved every word, but one does wonder when to stop." Professor Slughorn called out to her. She turned her nose up at Malfoy, slapped him as hard as she could and then shoved past Slughorn to return to James.

I forced Draco back down into his seat and then slipped past the new Professor with a little more gracefulness.

James was sitting up, almost awake. He hadn't even noticed we'd been gone because he was munching on his pile of sweets and treats. "Where's Snowy?" He mumbled through a mouthful of sugar. I paused, glancing at Jenny briefly, who was yanking on her Slytherin robes violently. We would be at Hogwarts soon. "She stayed behind. It's not safe outside anymore, James."

I disappeared from their view, passing Harry, Ginny and Neville on the way back to Nova. I didn't stop to chat to Luna or even give Malfoy a hard time. Nova was my priority now, and she wouldn't get hurt under my protection.


I patrolled the train station in Claw form even after every student had left. Harry hadn't got off the train and I could smell Tonks lingering in the shadows. "Go ahead, Shadow. You're already late." She muttered to me, her usual excited behaviour thrown away as if she were a new person. I grunted quietly but did as told, growling my name to Professor Flitwick as I slipped silently through the enchanted gates.

Nova had already gone ahead ages ago with Jenny and James. I followed the paw prints without glancing up, but I bumped into a warm body on the tracks. I prepared to pounce on this intruder, but found I was looking into the eyes of my mate. "What's a kitten lik you doing out here in the cold?" Shade teased, pressing his pelt to mine as we headed up to the school. "Not much." I replied softly, licking his cheek. "Where are you and the pack sleeping?" I questioned, gazing up at the great carved doors of the Great Hall. "Anywhere and everywhere. We have night patrols too, you know. Enemies prefer the darkness." We nuzzled each other lovingly before we parted ways. I entered the Hall, many eyes turning to watch me.

"Ah, Shadow Claw. I was hoping you would join us. I'm afraid you've missed the Sorting, but perhaps it's for the better." Dumbledore mentioned in his old, wizened voice. I shifted back and bowed slightly, "Wouldn't miss pudding for the world, Professor." I called politely, sitting at the Slytherin table, beside Jenny, who was having a death-stare competition with Pansy, and James, who was face-planted on the table, fast asleep. I spotted Nova laying down at the end of the Gryffindoor table, too.

Dumbledore continued on with his speech, saying something about Slughorn and Snape, but I wasn't listening at all. Harry walked in at one point, his nose unnaturally straight and his face smothered in blood - I didn't realise notice. I worried over my babies back at home though, but I knew they were safe with the Clan. It was only until the Headmaster mentioned that the Claw warriors would be staying for protection against the Dark Lord, that I perked up to listen closer.

"They shan't interfere with lessons, though I strongly advise that you don't offend them. They are a highly instinctive and sensitive species, so I very much don't want to have broken bones across the school." He smiled down through his half-moon glasses and I stifled a laugh when the first-years shifted uncomfortably.

The golden doors burst open, as if an explosion had gone off, but then in strolled Shade with Hawthorne behind him, and the rest of the warriors following in couples. My mate gave me a wink as he passed, but I didn't let any emotion show in front of all these people.

"It's a honour to protect the future generations, Dumbledore." Shade stated boldly, his arms crossed and his face stern. Dumbledore inclined his head gently, "The pleasure is all mine, Alpha Shade. If you wish to start your duties or stay for pudding, you may do so. And so, let pudding begin." He spread his arms wide, and the dinner dishes were suddenly decorated in treats of all flavours, types and appearances.

Shade ordered his warriors to their stations, but him and Hawthorne stayed, lingering by the door and chatting quietly.

Jenny pulled me out of my stupor, "Pass me a fork." She practically growled. I rolled my eyes, "No. I won't have you killing people so rudely. If you're going to do it, do it in style." She seethed silently by my side, not eating anything at all as she watched Pansy flirt and drawl over Draco, while James awakened only to gobble up a few jaffa cakes then go back to sleep once more.

However, as I peered back over at Shade, he had two girls plastered to his side. Jenny spotted my view as I began to get up from my seat, imaginary steam sizzling out of my ears.

I stormed right over there. Oh, he was in massive trouble.

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